Homeowner Beats Suspected Burglar


(Memphis 1/04/2010) Dartaniel Palmore posed for his mug shot with a black eye and bloody face.

He even had gauze in his mouth to stop the bleeding.

The 20-year-old man is charged with breaking into Pedro Kennedy's home in the 45-hundred block of Willow Road.

According to the mug shot, it appears Kennedy gave the 20-year-old man a lesson he may never forget....using a staple gun.

"Pedro whooped his (expletive)! Didn't he? " laughs Justin Diana, one of Kennedy's co-workers and neighbors.

According to court records, Wyenesha Johnson set Kennedy up.

Investigators say the 22-year-old woman went to spend the night at the 51-year-old man's house.

While there she allegedly called her cousin Dartaniel to come burglarize the home.

Neighbor Matthew curry heard the commotion and called the cops.

I just heard a lot of yelling and he came over and asked to call the police several times."

Two days after the fight, blood is still on the porch and around a ditch in the yard.

Investigators say Dartaniel hid on the side of the house then "forced his way into Kennedy's home, by punching, kicking and choking " Kennedy when he tried to walk Wyenesha out.

"Man that is insane," says neighbor Justin Diana. "I wish I would have been outside to see it and help him out."

Records also show the house was "ransacked" and "blood was all over the living room floor and furniture."

Neighbors say Kennedy is in the hospital suffering from a gash to the head.

Wyenesha is out on bond. Dartaniel is still behind bars.


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You got knocked the fuck out:clink:
Pedro was getting his rocks off with a whore.

That makes the break-in/disruption even worse! A 51 year old with a 22 year old and some wacko tries to ruin the moment. Probably a once in a lifetime thing.

At the thief's trial I hope Pedro shows up to give a victim impact statement. Any Judge worth his salt will throw the book at the crook.
People who support intensely evil laws like the castle doctrine should be stripped of citizenship and deported to Somalia in boats equipped to transport slime.
People who support intensely evil laws like the castle doctrine should be stripped of citizenship and deported to Somalia in boats equipped to transport slime.

#1. The home owner did not invoke any such provision on ANY castle doctrine that is currently on the books.

#2. What would you do smart guy?
Pedro was walking the woman out when the thug tried to force his way into the home and attacked Pedro.

Pedro sounds like an ok guy to me.
If he hadn't let the whore in he wouldn't have been walking her out. Pedro was thinking with his dick, not someone who deserves accolades.
That makes the break-in/disruption even worse! A 51 year old with a 22 year old and some wacko tries to ruin the moment. Probably a once in a lifetime thing.

Not really. $20 will buy a cheap whore; it doesn't matter how old the John is.