Homicides soar in states with 'Stand Your Ground' laws?!!

Chicago seems to be doing a bang up job.....

Three people were killed and 23 wounded in the latest spate of violence to hit Chicago.

The wounded include 3-year-old Deonta "Tay-man" Howard, and two teens, among 13 people shot in an apparent gang-related attack in Chicago's South Side Cornell Square Park.

Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said an assault-style rifle with a high-capacity magazine was used in the shootings.

"They almost shot his whole face off,' McCarthy said, noting it was a "miracle" that no one had died in the attacks.

Others in the violence-plagued city weren't so lucky. At least 10 others were shot in other incidents late Thursday and early Friday
Existing Gun Laws Would Reduce Crime, But These Are Not Enforced

The Obama administration has failed in gun control because it has failed to enforce existing gun laws.

In 2007, candidate Barack Obama said, "We know what to do. We've got to enforce the gun laws that are on the books." He also alluded to cracking down on straw man purchasers and "unscrupulous gun dealers." He continued to reiterate this view on the campaign trail in 2008, including calls for stronger background checks.
During the Obama administration, Congress has failed to provide the necessary funding for the National Instant Criminal Background Check System ....

Prosecute people who falsify background check information
The Obama Administration Justice Department is also not strongly enforcing prosecutions of people who falsify information on their gun background checks. The FBI reported 71,000 instances of people lying on their background checks to buy guns in 2009. But the Justice Department prosecuted a mere 77 cases, or a fraction of 1,,,,
Straw Man purchases & Illegal gun trafficking Another area the Obama administration could enforce existing laws is prosecuting straw man purchases and illegal gun trafficking

found this, but i don't see the connection between Chicago, and national gun control policy??
It doesn't matter what the proposal is. The instant anyone proposes anything, gun owners with no ability to recognize the power of guns run directly to the 2A point at it and say "We can't even discuss this. Look at the 2A. It tells us not to think, only go ensure anyone and everyone can get a gun under any condition"

You don't even allow yourself the ability to recognize the power of guns. You are a true uneducated gun owner and the reason my bullet prices are so high.

What a bunch of BS you're spewing.
Several posters have asked what your interpretation of the phrase meant and you're the one who refuses to discuss it.
Just another liberal straw man.