APP - homosexual 18 yr old arrested for having a relationship with 14 yr old girlfriend

That came from what story? I quoted the mother.

The OP. Do you even read stuff that you post about? You got this from some website and didn't even read to find out the facts first, didn't you? Somebody told you that this was about gay rights. It isn't. This person in their majority was having sex with a 14 year old. If a straight dude did that he would also be subject to this law, and as I said, there are a great many men who have served time for exactly this.

This is not something for which I would choose to take up the banner and pronounce support for... If it is wrong for a man to do it, it is wrong even if it is a homosexual doing it. There is no special rules that should remit her responsibility for the actions of an adult with a child.
As a reminder, APP has a much stricter standard for posting.

1. No racism, sexism, homophobia, general bigotry
2. No insults directed at specific individuals
3. No trolling
4. No flaming
5. No "Message Board Wars," please check personal vendettas at the door
6. No thread de-railment. Please stay on topic.
The OP. Do you even read stuff that you post about? You got this from some website and didn't even read to find out the facts first, didn't you? Somebody told you that this was about gay rights. It isn't. This person in their majority was having sex with a 14 year old. If a straight dude did that he would also be subject to this law, and as I said, there are a great many men who have served time for exactly this.

This is not something for which I would choose to take up the banner and pronounce support for... If it is wrong for a man to do it, it is wrong even if it is a homosexual doing it. There is no special rules that should remit her responsibility for the actions of an adult with a child.

I was using the facebook page in my OP. I'm not going to comment on Don's story until I can verify it. I don't believe the parents would lie.
Her attorney and the family realize she has broken the law. The mother did not realize it was against the law once her daughter turned 18 for her daughter to date the girl. They are asking linency for Kaitlyn. A misdemenor instead of a felony.

This law made to protect children from predators needs to be re evaluated. I don't believe a young man's life should be ruined either.

Bull, according to the story:

The two had a consenting relationship that began soon after Kaitlyn Hunt turned 18

After she turned 18. And for Rana, she may be 15 now, but from what I understand was not when the acts took place. They were "at most" 4 years apart, a portion of time after the 18th birthday she was 14, and the relationship stared "soon after" her 18th...

There are a great many states, including this one, where men have spent time in jail for exactly that.

Damo, I would like to see your cite. All my sources do not agree with yours.
The AP has their information wrong.

The two had a consenting relationship that began soon after Hunt turned 18, and Hunt Smith said she assumed the younger girl's parents knew that. The younger girl was 14 when the relationship began,

Anything else I can help you with?
Anything else I can help you with?

I did copy the site in error, I believe the UK got their story from the AP which has misstated the facts according to the ones that Kaitlyn and her mother gave in an interview last night on TV.

I will find the interview.

That may be misinformation. If it isn't then there's a case against her.

You and Rana are the only ones putting out the misinformation. Why dont one of you step on up, copy and paste ANY published source that says otherwise. So far we just get the repeated claim made again and again without a shred of evidence. AND every source any of you have provided, contradicts your claims.
You and Rana are the only ones putting out the misinformation. Why dont one of you step on up, copy and paste ANY published source that says otherwise. So far we just get the repeated claim made again and again without a shred of evidence. AND every source any of you have provided, contradicts your claims.

I could not find the interview I saw on TV last night, so for now I will concede your point, but according to Kaitlyn and her mother, the girls were seeing each other before Kaitlyn turned 18 and it was only when Kaitlyn turned 18 that the parents notified police. They blame Kaitlyn for their daughters homosexuality and while Kaitlyn was 17 there was nothing they could do about the situation.
If all the defenders of "Kate" would take out part of the title and read this, for what's it's truly worth; you might be able to see where your actions are misguided.

18 yr old arrested for having a relationship with 14 yr old girlfriend

And for those that think 4 years is no big deal, then what about:

We have written laws to protect our minor children; becaue the majority of the time they don't have the cognitive or maturity to understand the ramifications or long term affects their behavior can have and this is why MINORS CAN NOT GIVE CONSENT, so the constant referral to this being "consensual" is a bogus defense.
You and Rana are the only ones putting out the misinformation. Why dont one of you step on up, copy and paste ANY published source that says otherwise. So far we just get the repeated claim made again and again without a shred of evidence. AND every source any of you have provided, contradicts your claims.

I could not find the interview I saw on TV last night, so for now I will concede your point, but according to Kaitlyn and her mother, the girls were seeing each other before Kaitlyn turned 18 and it was only when Kaitlyn turned 18 that the parents notified police. They blame Kaitlyn for their daughters homosexuality and while Kaitlyn was 17 there was nothing they could do about the situation.

According to the police report, which I just obtained (my original thread was based upon news reports and the mother's Facebook page), Kate was over 18 when they first had sex. Therefore, I withdraw my support of her case; although I believe laws should be relaxed when kids between 14 - 17 have consensual sex.
I could not find the interview I saw on TV last night, so for now I will concede your point, but according to Kaitlyn and her mother, the girls were seeing each other before Kaitlyn turned 18 and it was only when Kaitlyn turned 18 that the parents notified police. They blame Kaitlyn for their daughters homosexuality and while Kaitlyn was 17 there was nothing they could do about the situation.

You are reporting the mothers speculation as to the younger girls mothers motivations, as if they are facts. I think most parents of a 14 year old girl, upon finding out that their daughter is in a sexual relationship with an 18 yr old would report to the police. Not doing so could likely lead to Child Protective Services coming for a visit. And most parents of an 18 yr old, upon finding out they are in a sexual relationship with a 14 yr old, WOULDNT consider this to be "normal", "healthy" exploration of ones sexuality.
According to the police report, which I just obtained (my original thread was based upon news reports and the mother's Facebook page), Kate was over 18 when they first had sex. Therefore, I withdraw my support of her case; although I believe laws should be relaxed when kids between 14 - 17 have consensual sex.

Yeah, the mother lied.