Just dropped in to say, “Yes it is.”
Just dropped in to say, “Yes it is.”
YOU are the one trying to communicate with this imaginary person you created that you call Sybil. Sybil isn't here. I can't forward messages to your imaginary person. Neither can gfm.
Sybil isn't here.
Sybil isn't here.
Just dropped in to say, “Yes it is.”
Interesting that you claim to speak for gfm. LOL
More interesting that you reuse the same phrase "Sybil isn't here." Are you compelled to do so or do you not realize you are doing it?
Do you really think everyone here is too fucking stupid to see you're all the same idiot? Or are you living a fantasy?
gfm has spoken for himself, moron. You are just too stupid to realize what is and what is not a sock. You are too stupid to realize that there is no Sybil anywhere but in your own imagination.
And now for a demonstration of zymurgy's lack of business knowledge.
If the other guy AND you didn't get a good deal, there is no deal.
WRONG. A customer not getting a good will not make the deal.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself.
Obviously, you have no clue what price discovery is.
16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
"Squawk Squawk Squawk!!!"Yes they can. Learn biology.
Right-wingers seem worse with their penchant for a warfare-State instead of a welfare-State.Why do you lefties want to rob children of their innocence? Hell you seem to want adults coming out of the womb.
I think it would make a good horror movie farce. And yes, IBD has the perfect "warped mind" to dream up a clever poster (or posters) for the "upcoming film" The Sock People. I'm sure Dutch boy would appreciate it.Heh. That would make a great horror movie...The Sock People.
Hmmm...maybe better a horror movie farce, like Mars Attacks was a Men From Mars farce. Kind of like a Zombie farce.
Maybe we could IBD to draw up a movie poster for it. He's getting pretty good at memes like this now.
Now, besides creating imaginary people, you are creating imaginary claims. Lay off of the Barney episodes... The purple dinosaur has you playing wayyyyyy too much "make believe".Interesting that you claim to speak for gfm. LOL
Sybil isn't here.More interesting that you reuse the same phrase "Sybil isn't here."
Sybil isn't here.Are you compelled to do so or do you not realize you are doing it?
SOCK PEOPLE!!!! They're EVERYWHEREEEEE!!!!!!! RUN!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!Do you really think everyone here is too fucking stupid to see you're all the same idiot? Or are you living a fantasy?
There is no "14th Amendment issue" with regard to this. You and Nordy don't even like the Constitution anyway, so why are you referencing it?Agreed on both points. It's a 14th Amendment issue and Sybil is just another elderly RWNJ spreading hate from his little room at "the home".
Marriage is not a state issued contract. There is no such thing as "gay marriage".Marriage is a legal and binding contract between 2 people. https://www.findlaw.com/family/marriage/marriage-law-overview.htmlSybyl is near insane. Gay marriage is legal across America. It is simply a marriage according to law.
Right-wingers seem worse with their penchant for a warfare-State instead of a welfare-State.
Your response has nothing to do with my rebuttal. Try to focus.That has nothing to do with my post. Try to see through your drug induced fog and stay on subject.
Your response has nothing to do with anything. Try to say something of intelligence.Your response has nothing to do with my rebuttal. Try to focus.
Perhaps, it is merely right-wingers lack of ethics and morals?Your response has nothing to do with anything. Try to say something of intelligence.