APP - Homosexuality Now, Pedophilia Next

because you refused to actually address the question, i was forced to ask whether you thought such things immoral, thne you lied and claimed i accused of considering them moral and you're still lying....this is the full post train and maybe when you review it you can honestly say to yourself, oh, yurt was just asking me a question about why, since i (i presumed, then i had to ask, then you accused me of saying you thought it was moral despite i asked) think those things are immoral, why do i support them marrying and not homosexuals.

do you need me to make it more clear for you?

it's perfectly said I believed lying, adultery and spouse abuse were moral.....
they are not legally married as you pointed out. they are denied benefits. and your example is a perfect example of my point, that government should get out of marriage and have all legal "unions" be solely unions and not marriage.

lol.....gays go to court because they have unions....
because you don't recognize how hostile you were being in this you have said, hostility invites hostility.....

How was I being hostile? I joined in a thread that was saying that homosexuality is just the first step, and pedophilia is next.
And yet, others seem to be insistent that homosexuals accept hetrosexual relationships as the only ones that are normal and moral - how is that not DEMANDING that everyone conform to a moral code?

I'm not aware of any laws demanding homosexuals accept heterosexual relationships as anything....
How was I being hostile? I joined in a thread that was saying that homosexuality is just the first step, and pedophilia is next.

oh were dripping superiority all over my monitor every time you posted....."oh, at least I"M openminded"...../winterborn flutters handkerchief in front of his was pretty sickening.....