Honduras Threatens to Expel U.S. Military as Latin America Gears Up for Trump Deportations In pushing back against President-elect Donald J. Trump’s

The Chinese have had several civilizations before European immigrants slaughtered the indigenous Americans and launched the juvenile United States.
And what happened to those prior CIVILIZATIONS? LOL
What indigenous Americans? Those who are known as Native Americans came here, as science said they did,...and when they got here the place was not empty. They killed and replaced those who were here before them just as they did to each other and their separate tribes for centuries before the euro's came here.
You believe so. Kindly lay out your authoritative evidence for a pre-modern Native American phenotype. Or stfu. Your choice.
The Hondurans will be far better off without the millstone of hosting the USA military
You believe so. Kindly lay out your authoritative evidence for a pre-modern Native American phenotype. Or stfu. Your choice.
It's not my job to teach you. The evidence is easy to find. And as I said,....each tribe warred with each other and took each others land for hundreds and hundreds of years after brutally murdering each other for it. Our is that somehow o.k simply because they aren't European? What is wrong for one is wrong for all,....anything else is just bullshit. This is the type of shit that is causing the left to lose,...most everyone is sick of the woke LIES.