Loves Me Some Souls
After you suck my cock and swallow.
wutevr troll. How's it feel to be exactly what you were complaining about 2 years ago grendel?
After you suck my cock and swallow.
wutevr troll. How's it feel to be exactly what you were complaining about 2 years ago grendel?
Are you ready? Ok open up.
Keep it up. I'm enjoying your destruction.
Is that what you call my atomic cumshot?
Yo Damo, why isn't Legion removed from the member list?
Because he wasn't actually banned.
Stop your bullshit fuckwit. You said everyone banned is temp removed and you were wrong. Conversation over, go fuck yourself.
that's a damned shame. I will miss embarrassing the hell out of of that little shit stain coward
Because he wasn't actually banned.
That is correct. When one is banned for an hour, a day, six months, etc, their name does not appear in the community list until their ban is over. If it’s permanent, the name is permanently removed from our community.When one is banned, the member is temporarily removed from the list.
Or if the ban is real.Ok I guess it depends on the length of ban.
It’s part of the software.Can you think of any justification for removing names from the list ever?
April Fool’sBecause he wasn't actually banned.
April Fool’s
No loss. All he ever writes are insults.
that's a damned shame. I will miss embarrassing the hell out of of that little shit stain coward
I’m not sure which one did it.So, did Legion just type "banned" under his name or how did that work?