Hope And Change Express Heading In The Wrong Direction

like i said. it's great. both dems and reps are losing the respect of their constituencies and soon real Americans will step up.

I am looking for Reagan conservatives to step up. The last time we had a liberal President and 60 Dems in the Seante was with Carter.

And we all know how great liberal tax and spend policies worked back then. Now we have mega tax and spend polices today
Seems the voters are not happy with the direction the Hope and Change Express is taking the nation

About 2 months ago, the right track/wrong track was nearly even. In fact one poster here was giddy over the "trend" since election day - now people are seeing Obama and the Dems for what they really are

And they do not like it


True we have not changed direction nor made any changes yet to prevent this from happening again.

Obama is not bush, but employs the same crap brained type of economic advisors. All educated in the same wrong minded economic system.
There will always be those on the left who will ignore the failures of their leaders. With most liberals, the actual results of their programs does not matter to them - only their good intentions. Then they will make the usual excuses. Not enough funding. It's Bush's fault. Ect, ect

In the case of the tide of public opinion now going against them, the left will attempt to change the subject by going after VP Cheney, and Gov Palin. Right now the left wants to talk about anything except the Hope and Change Express

Even the poster here who a couple of months ago was giddy over the right track/wrong track being nearly tied, has ignored this thread. That tells you how they want to avoid this issue at all costs
Or shit posts like this:

wingnuts are sucking nuts as usual.
That said Obama's honeymoon is over and if he doesn't get something right in the next six month's his new wife is going to be throwing the frying pan at him.
and yet more then 24 hours have passed since I posted the polls - not a word from the huge Obama supporter who was "rubbing conservative's noses in the fact Obama was moving the nation in the right direction"
Is this the same poster who was perm-banned at JP with actual first initial V?
Is this the same poster who was perm-banned at JP with actual first initial V?

Could be. I could post some his posts over how happy he was a few months back when he was crowing about how the right track had nearly overtaken the wrong track

Now he ignores the current polls. I guess he is to busy selling tickets for a ride on the Hope and Change Express to keep up with current events
Could be. I could post some his posts over how happy he was a few months back when he was crowing about how the right track had nearly overtaken the wrong track

Now he ignores the current polls. I guess he is to busy selling tickets for a ride on the Hope and Change Express to keep up with current events
This poster who shall be unnamed is a self proclaimed "yellow dog" therefore his political opinions are meaningless.
Yes, his death wishes and long stories of pedophilia, incest and homosexuality.

Blast from the past

Originally Posted by manfrommaine:

can you describe the blue line from your link or not?

Can you tell me what percentage of Americans thought we were heading in the right direction the day before the election?

Can you tell me what percentage of Americans thought we were heading in the right direction the day before the inauguartion?

Can you tell me what percentage of Americans thought we were heading in the right direction at the latest data point?

Can you explain the slope of that line and can you suggest what might have caused those dramatic changes?