Hope and Joy

YEP it is ALL Biden's and Her fault.
lets not say a word about oil companies RECORD profits, air lines record profits Car insurance companies record profits. NO can't say one word about them.
and NO I am NOT against companies making a profit, a REASONABLE profit, but when they are gouging the American people and helping to cause inflation it should be looked into.
I posted a link the other day where it showed Exxon made a RECORD profit of 99.7 Billion on the sale of 14 billion gallons of gas an increase in profits of 141% over last year.
now they could drop the price of gas one dollar a gallon and that would drop their profit to 85.7 Billion still a nice record profit.
I think Congress should be looking into cases like this when we are suffering from high inflation.
Higher fuel prices drive up prices on most things and obscene profits like those Exxon is earning is helping drive up those costs and hurting the people of the USA.
and when a company like EXXON that make a product that effects the price of almost everything else we buy is being greedy and gouging people making those record profits Congress has to look into it.
have a nice day

Mark Cuban Pushes Social Media Poll to Attack Trump, it Backfires

In his poll, Cuban asked, “Who’s persona and character would you like to see young children grow up to have?”

He gave his followers the choice of “Donald Trump” and “Kamala Harris.”

Unfortunately for Cuban, a Harris supporter, Donald Trump won this poll, and not by just a little, either. Trump’s lead was double that of Harris.

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