Hope and Joy

Any high school economist knows printing monet causes inflation.

"Say what?"
2 things can actually be true:

1) Biden/Harris inherited a terrible economy with record job loss, and have vastly improved conditions from that point. They have added over 15 million new jobs, and the stock market is breaking records.

2) There is still a ways to go, as inflation is still a problem.

It's not that complicated.
then again Congress should be looking into all these large Companies making record profits on top of the record profits they had last year.
They have been using the excuse of COVID for several years now to keep their prices up. COVID is gone now and it is time for things to get back to normal.
and NO I am not against companies making a profit but when you are gouging the people it HAS to be looked into.
Congress should get on this and investigate all these record profits and determine if it is gouging and if it is they should do something about it.
Have a nice day