Hope or horror? The great AI debate


Verified User
CEO of DeepMind is ‘not a pessimist’ but warns of threat from AI and says we must be active in shaping ‘a middle way’

“Can it exfiltrate its own code, can extract its own code, improve its own code,” says Hassabis. “Can it copy itself unauthorised? Because these would all be undesirable behaviours, because if you want to shut it down, you don’t want it getting around that by copying itself somewhere else. There’s a lot of behaviours like that, that would be undesirable in a powerful system.”

Maybe we can keep the AI genie sorta kinda in its bottle in the same way we've sorta kinda kept nuclear weapons limited in their proliferation.

AI is poised to be one of the biggest advances in technology in my lifetime but I think it's already out in the wild to the point that soon bad things will start happening with it and we'll be too late to the game to stop it.

I'm glad my career is getting near its end because I sense that AI will have dramatic impact on all knowledge-workers. I don't know if I have the oomph to deal with the fallout. But it will be interesting to watch. How quickly will we hand over the reins? And how quickly will AI start doing things we never expected it to? (The answer to that one is "it's already happening")
Let me guess. The forum troll writes insults. I'll take a look.
Wow, none of his usual hate trolling.


you are a very stupid asshole
You are a very stupid person.
You are intellectually a jerkoff moron.
fuck you shit head
go kill yourself you piece of shit
you're an asshole
you are retarded
You are a fucking stupid person.
Are you always drunk or just fucking stupid?!
you are a fucking idiot
pooh pooh caa caa
I never read your posts Earl because you're a fucking pussy.
Earl the Pussy
Wow, never realized how fucking dumb you people are.
you are lost in jerkdom
You are a boring idiot.
you are a bore
you're a waste
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
you're a fucking idiot
Shut the fuck up you useless troll.
you are a stupid person
You are seriously too stupid to waste time with.
fuck you scumbag
you are very stupid
you are a moron
You are a waste of human consciousness.
go kill yourself you piece of shit
You are easily the dumbest person on the forum. Your brain is rotten.
You stink like a backed up sewer.
Your brain is a heap of shit.
go kill yourself
You are always a petty piece of shit.
shut the fuck up you scumbag
you are a very stupid asshole
go kill yourself you piece of shit
go kill yourself. banning you from now on
you are a goddam stupid asshole
go kill yourself
go kill yourself
go kill yourself
shut up troll
shut the fuck up you stupid troll
And back to trolling. Goodbye.