Horizontal Harris is a snake

I am not "incensed" over anything. I am telling you why it is lame. Nobody under 50 gives one whip about it. I just like my side to sound more effective than weak AF "horizontal Harris"... it's a swing and a miss.

Horizontal Harris alliterates far better than your other suggestions, but thanks for your input!
She put away hundreds for marijuana offences and then laughed on radio about whether she had tried it. Truly evil person, hopefully you won't have to find that out for yourselves.

Poor Prendergast neither you nor your Thai sex worker has anything to do with America and no one cares what a farang "thinks" about America
I am not "incensed" over anything. I am telling you why it is lame. Nobody under 50 gives one whip about it. I just like my side to sound more effective than weak AF "horizontal Harris"... it's a swing and a miss.

You're entitled to your opinion, but I'm over 50 and don't care! When I was younger I spouted all the nostrums of PCness but really couldn't care less these days! Alles klar Doris?
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You're entitled to your opinion, but I'm over 50 and don't care!

SIR; You spend time in Thailand is it?

What do the locals make of the Chinese and their plan to take the Empire global this time.

Sorry for the diversion but I would really like to hear what you are hearing.
SIR; You spend time in Thailand is it?

What do the local make of the Chinese and their plan to take the Empire global this time.

Sorry for the diversion but I would really like to hear what you are hearing.

Thais never had much time for the Chinese considering them to be incredibly rude for the most part. They totally detest them now as they should, they have practically destroyed the economy and it will take a decade or more to get back on track. They don't want Chinese tourists back to be honest and who can blame them?
Thais never had much time for the Chinese considering them to be incredibly rude for the most part. They totally detest them now as they should, they have practically destroyed the economy and it will take a decade or more to get back on track. They don't want Chinese tourists back to be honest and who can blame them?

Hmmmmm, been hearing that they mismanaged their relationship with the Africans too.....My expectation of Chinese Global Domination is developing a flaw.
Hmmmmm, been hearing that they mismanaged their relationship with the Africans too.....My expectation of Chinese Global Domination is developing a flaw.

There are many Thai-Chinese going way back centuries but the true bad feelings are caused by the behaviour of Chinese tourists, they are referred to as no tourist tourists. Meaning that they spend hardly any money except in Chinese run shark fin and bird's nest restaurants. Of course they've all pretty much gone out of business now. Many would fly into Bangkok only to buy condos and then go home again. They were not the only ones doing that as so were Russians and Indians. It has caused a huge property bubble which is now bursting and will also have profound effects on the economy.
There are many Thai-Chinese going way back centuries but the true bad feelings are caused by the behaviour of Chinese tourists, they are referred to as no tourist tourists. Meaning that they spend hardly any money except in Chinese run shark fin and bird's nest restaurants. Of course they've all pretty much gone out of business now. Many would fly into Bangkok only to buy condos and then go home again. They were not the only ones doing that as so were Russians and Indians. It has caused a huge property bubble which is now bursting and will also have profound effects on the economy.

Correct me if I am wrong but the problem is that the Chinese are really full of themselves...they look at the dying West and are sure that the Empire will be global this time....and so they act like Australians....one step worse (Two?) than "Ugly American"...the wrong thing to do.

Being cheap and demanding and rude while traveling is a part of that.
It's not that she had sex it's that she used sex to gain power and influence. How else to describe a twenty year old woman having an affair with a powerful politician and a married man in his sixties. Willy Brown was notorious for that behaviour which I'm sure you know already.

Pretty much the same as on Hollywood where the casting couch was ubiquitous.

So was Melania looking to gain when she married Trump, who's several decades her senior?

Or is their marriage based on love?
You don't get to claim that Harris used sex to advance in life when Melania clearly did.

He correctly claimed that about Harris. So sad you don't see the difference between a married couple and a black whore fucking a man married to another woman. Perhaps that's why you don't have a problem with all the bastard babies being produced in the black community.
He correctly claimed that about Harris. So sad you don't see the difference between a married couple and a black whore fucking a man married to another woman. Perhaps that's why you don't have a problem with all the bastard babies being produced in the black community.

Is there any evidence that Harris is a cheater or had an affair with a married man? Even so, why are her personal failings my business? You may like to point out others' flaws, but maybe you ought to practice charity and learn to see the plank in your own eye before pointing out the speck in another person's.
Is there any evidence that Harris is a cheater or had an affair with a married man? Even so, why are her personal failings my business? You may like to point out others' flaws, but maybe you ought to practice charity and learn to see the plank in your own eye before pointing out the speck in another person's.

Yes. Even Harris acknowledged her time with Willie is "an albatross hanging around my neck".

What I find interesting that you want to ignore her failings yet lefties constantly brought up things related to what they considered failings of Trump in that area. Why was that any of your business, hypocrite?

I've been married almost 30 years and not once have I ever done, or even thought of doing, what Harris did. I guess it's a cultural things among blacks.
She could become president ffs, and instead of just screwing the likes of Willy Brown she could end up screwing the economy as well with her loony left ideas.

That was the plan from the beginning. Democrats knew she couldn't win. All the cognitive issues the left claims Biden doesn't have will magically become a problem in a short time and Horizontal will be the first whore as President.
Yes. Even Harris acknowledged her time with Willie is "an albatross hanging around my neck".

What I find interesting that you want to ignore her failings yet lefties constantly brought up things related to what they considered failings of Trump in that area. Why was that any of your business, hypocrite?

I've been married almost 30 years and not once have I ever done, or even thought of doing, what Harris did. I guess it's a cultural things among blacks.

Trump brings it upon himself by acting like a twat. And the hypocrisy here is stunning. The same party that was offended my Michelle Obama's bare shoulders says nothing about Melania's porn career.