Horse Meat Debate On The Rise ~ You are what you eat

Unless there's a lot of them.

But she's right, you should be shipping them to us in CT. Too many deer and not enough venison.

Well I would say you need to hunt, but it's CT so if you have a slingshot you're likely in jail at this point.
It's illegal. See my "we're hypocrites" comment.

(you can't hunt them for food; you can hunt them to round them up and give/sell to people)

They are gorgeous animals. They aren't the problem, really; the problem is humans have taken over a lot of their grazing lands AND humans eliminated a lot of their natural predators.

But now there are too many of them; it's not good. Hunting would reduce their numbers. As long as someone who shot a horse actually ate it, I don't have a huge problem with it (assuming hunting licenses are controlled so a sustainable number are left out there... there would have be rules like in any hunting about how many and when they were taken) because otherwise they will die in other ways.

But it's a shame it's gotten to this point.

I understand your perspective on horses are gorgeous but so are deer. It's hard to change culture once it's established. One thing normal in this area is taboo in the next. Heck, no one can even tell me who deemed specific words to be cuss words yet we still spank our kids if they cuss. I wouldn't suggest we make hunting them legal unless it was for food. I don't believe in killing unless it's to protect family, property or to eat.
Wolves are not food. NEVER hunt predators; they are what keep the rest of the food chain controlled. Hunting wolves is stupid.

Fish are predators. In fact all the fish I caught last sunday were chasing after bait that looked like a fish. So they are predators and cannibals. #Bassin
If the person hunting the wolf eats it - and assuming they aren't hunting in an area where wolves are scarce - then I'm not as opposed to it.

The Sarah Palins of the world don't eat the wolves they kill.

Killing any animal just for sport is gross. Killing to eat it is different; while I don't want to do it, I understand I'm a hypocrite on this - I should be able to kill the food I'm going to eat. So if you're going to eat what you kill and if what you kill isn't endangered or close to endangered -ok.

But no killing of Bald Eagles (yes, I know Indians can get an exemption), no killing of rhinos, no killing of wolves or bears just for their pelts. Mountain lions should be killed only if they have moved into a populated area and pose a threat.
If the person hunting the wolf eats it - and assuming they aren't hunting in an area where wolves are scarce - then I'm not as opposed to it.

The Sarah Palins of the world don't eat the wolves they kill.

Killing any animal just for sport is gross. Killing to eat it is different; while I don't want to do it, I understand I'm a hypocrite on this - I should be able to kill the food I'm going to eat. So if you're going to eat what you kill and if what you kill isn't endangered or close to endangered -ok.

But no killing of Bald Eagles (yes, I know Indians can get an exemption), no killing of rhinos, no killing of wolves or bears just for their pelts. Mountain lions should be killed only if they have moved into a populated area and pose a threat.

Sport hunting has been shown to be beneficial to animal populations in Africa.
It's foolish to waste the meat of horses just because they are pet animals. We've used the meat in dog food in the past, there is no reason that we shouldn't now.
See that jump already in this thread?

See Mega Milk stand up for sport killing once tekkychick states it isn't ok? The jump from it's ok to feed others to it's ok all the time no matter what don't limit it.

We just jumped from "illegal" to "kill them all with no regulation, we are free"

Basic ignorance of American politics. All or nothing to some. Some with regulation to others.
Thought about it, but it's too hot for me. But you go ahead and dismiss the truth because you dislike it.

The truth about what moron?

tekky held a great debate and perspective.

You have lack of information, lack of perspective yet you attack. There is no reason to take anything from the land we don't need. If you haven't seen abuse of this lately you are a political NEWB.
Wolves are not food. NEVER hunt predators; they are what keep the rest of the food chain controlled. Hunting wolves is stupid.

Unless you're a rancher...

Seriously, we hunt wolves (well, not me but we do and coyotes...and coon...and bobcats) which helps to keep them in check with the ranchers around well as allowing the small game to flourish to hunt able numbers. Now, if we could just convince people to hunt fire ants ... they're devastating to our quail and other ground nesting birds. ;)
Unless you're a rancher...

Seriously, we hunt wolves (well, not me but we do and coyotes...and coon...and bobcats) which helps to keep them in check with the ranchers around well as allowing the small game to flourish to hunt able numbers. Now, if we could just convince people to hunt fire ants ... they're devastating to our quail and other ground nesting birds. ;)

Actually, some stuff I've read from Barbara Kinsolver says that if you hunt coyotes - you just increase their numbers. Hunting breaks up the family groups and so they have more groups and thus more breeding.

In most areas, there aren't enough wolves to have them be a problem. And there are other ways to deal with animals that are coming after cattle and sheep. Yes, sometimes it is necessary to kill them, but we do it too much. Of course, if we hadn't screwed up the ecosystem, they would be held in more control by larger predators. So yes, because we've screwed things up, sometimes we need to do something to correct the balance. But all too often it's just a bunch of idiots out with lights and dogs to get some kind of trophy.

I did hear about an attempt to control nutria in areas where they've invaded; a group is paying bounties to hunt them, then they make them into dog food. The group says oddly they'd like to put themselves out of business, to get the nutria population so reduced that they don't have enough to make dog food anymore. So that's an area where hunting - for invasive species - can help the ecosystem. Similar with the Burmese pythons in Florida/everglades area.

But again, we've fucked up; and now we have to correct our fuckups. Sad, huh?