House GOP Majority Leader apologizes for Iraq War

"You know who wasn't a wussy?
Cynthia "rising democratic superstar" McKinney."

RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGHT.... she was simply completely corrupt.
"And perhaps Webb ? There are a few others."

Webb just got there as did a few others. Which is why I did not go with 100%. I will give the few a chance to prove that they too are wussies or not.
I agree. I'm willing to cut some slack to anyone who has apologized and recanted, like Chuck Hagel, Dick Armey, or John Edwards.

Maybe if they did so before this last election cycle. But from listening to the hoards of congressman who've "finally seen the light", I think these latest runs of admission are PR tactics that have tested well and are a direct result of the last election. That's not leading. That's following. My support will be in this order:

1) Those who've opposed the war from the start
2) Greens
3) Those who have changed their mind about the war.

If you're still delusional enough to support this quagmire, you don't even deserve to be in the running imo.
"I agree. I'm willing to cut some slack to anyone who has apologized and recanted, like Chuck Hagel, Dick Armey, or John Edwards."

I am not that willing to do so. For two reasons....

1) They are recanting because they "were tricked" ie... they didn't understand the intel reports, which means they are either too stupid to breath or they lacked the backbone to do what they felt was right based off of the intel.

2) They are recanting because they really felt it was wrong at the time but didn't have the conviction to stand up for what they believed to be right. which means they were either more interested in protecting their careers than the American people OR they were spineless cowards.

Either of the two is enough to make me cut them NO slack.
"I agree. I'm willing to cut some slack to anyone who has apologized and recanted, like Chuck Hagel, Dick Armey, or John Edwards."

I am not that willing to do so. For two reasons....

1) They are recanting because they "were tricked" ie... they didn't understand the intel reports, which means they are either too stupid to breath or they lacked the backbone to do what they felt was right based off of the intel.

2) They are recanting because they really felt it was wrong at the time but didn't have the conviction to stand up for what they believed to be right. which means they were either more interested in protecting their careers than the American people OR they were spineless cowards.

Either of the two is enough to make me cut them NO slack.

Okay, so you prefer politicians who continue to insist invading iraq was a good idea. Not me. ;)
Maybe if they did so before this last election cycle. But from listening to the hoards of congressman who've "finally seen the light", I think these latest runs of admission are PR tactics that have tested well and are a direct result of the last election. That's not leading. That's following. My support will be in this order:

1) Those who've opposed the war from the start
2) Greens
3) Those who have changed their mind about the war.

If you're still delusional enough to support this quagmire, you don't even deserve to be in the running imo.

I can't argue with that. And to me "changing your mind about the war" isn't enough. They have to voice some sort of apology or regret for it.
"Repentence and public confession is necessary ?"

Apparently Cypress is "getting religion"

you must confess your sins my son in order to be absolved and forgiven.

Well they publically supported the war, and many talked trash about anyone who opposed the war, so I do feel that a public acknowledgement and apology is necessary.
after all they do work for the public and the public is who they screwed with their war support.