Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
According to Roll Call, the measure would "affirm a parent's right to address the local school board and would require education officials to provide parents with lists of books and other curriculum materials, online budgetary information and alerts about incidents of violence at their child's school. Schools also would have to notify parents if their child uses a different name or pronoun at school."
The bill is dead. The Senate, controlled by the Democrats, won't take it up. That doesn't matter to the House Republicans. They've been working hard makebelieving into being a malformed but oh-so bona fide boogeyman – critical race theory, wokeness,groomers, it has so many names! Some kind of Big Bad Baddie is out there and it's gonna get your kids! So they had to show something for all that effort.
The point, of course, is not protecting children. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy did not name the legislature "the Children's Bill of Rights Act." No, it's the “Parents' Bill of Rights Act," and its purpose is giving some parents the authority to beat down other parents' kids if they happen to identify as not-heterosexual.
The bill is dead. The Senate, controlled by the Democrats, won't take it up. That doesn't matter to the House Republicans. They've been working hard makebelieving into being a malformed but oh-so bona fide boogeyman – critical race theory, wokeness,groomers, it has so many names! Some kind of Big Bad Baddie is out there and it's gonna get your kids! So they had to show something for all that effort.
The point, of course, is not protecting children. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy did not name the legislature "the Children's Bill of Rights Act." No, it's the “Parents' Bill of Rights Act," and its purpose is giving some parents the authority to beat down other parents' kids if they happen to identify as not-heterosexual.