House Republicans pass bill giving some parents the authority to beat down other pare

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
According to Roll Call, the measure would "affirm a parent's right to address the local school board and would require education officials to provide parents with lists of books and other curriculum materials, online budgetary information and alerts about incidents of violence at their child's school. Schools also would have to notify parents if their child uses a different name or pronoun at school."

The bill is dead. The Senate, controlled by the Democrats, won't take it up. That doesn't matter to the House Republicans. They've been working hard makebelieving into being a malformed but oh-so bona fide boogeyman – critical race theory, wokeness,groomers, it has so many names! Some kind of Big Bad Baddie is out there and it's gonna get your kids! So they had to show something for all that effort.

The point, of course, is not protecting children. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy did not name the legislature "the Children's Bill of Rights Act." No, it's the “Parents' Bill of Rights Act," and its purpose is giving some parents the authority to beat down other parents' kids if they happen to identify as not-heterosexual.
the bill requires schools to inform parents about what they are teaching children......obviously lib'ruls will oppose it.......
the bill requires schools to inform parents about what they are teaching children......obviously lib'ruls will oppose it.......

They've been hiding it for so long now, no wonder liberals oppose parents knowing what their children are being taught.
the problem with both democrats and republicans is that, once in an elected office, they believe they know what's best for their subjects.........they get away with it because you lame brained fucksticks let them......which is basically saying that they are right.
According to Roll Call, the measure would "affirm a parent's right to address the local school board and would require education officials to provide parents with lists of books and other curriculum materials, online budgetary information and alerts about incidents of violence at their child's school. Schools also would have to notify parents if their child uses a different name or pronoun at school."

The bill is dead. The Senate, controlled by the Democrats, won't take it up. That doesn't matter to the House Republicans. They've been working hard makebelieving into being a malformed but oh-so bona fide boogeyman – critical race theory, wokeness,groomers, it has so many names! Some kind of Big Bad Baddie is out there and it's gonna get your kids! So they had to show something for all that effort.

The point, of course, is not protecting children. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy did not name the legislature "the Children's Bill of Rights Act." No, it's the “Parents' Bill of Rights Act," and its purpose is giving some parents the authority to beat down other parents' kids if they happen to identify as not-heterosexual.

Parents already have all these rights, plus access to school budgets, curricula, field trips, illnesses making the rounds, threats against students, etc. This is nothing more than pandering because if there's one thing (R)s love the most, it's piling into one of their clown cars and showing off for the base.
They've been hiding it for so long now, no wonder liberals oppose parents knowing what their children are being taught.

Said the guy with no kids. You are wrong. Parents have always had the ability to know what their kids are being taught. It's called "homework" and it comes home every day with their child. Some parents of course don't even bother to check that, help their kid with it, and ensure that it's turned in when due.
Said the guy with no kids. You are wrong. Parents have always had the ability to know what their kids are being taught. It's called "homework" and it comes home every day with their child. Some parents of course don't even bother to check that, help their kid with it, and ensure that it's turned in when due.

"...a Greenwich, Conn., elementary-school assistant principal, Jeremy Boland, bragging that the school pushes kids to think in a “progressive” way that he hopes will make them Democratic voters.

The school’s hiring process, he explains on video, is geared to accomplish indoctrination. Prospective teachers who are Catholics or over 30 are disqualified. They’re too set in their ways, he says. Catholics are unlikely to “acknowledge a child’s gender preferences” or go against parents, so “you don’t hire them.”

you shit stains are known liars on these issues. Just like Dont say gay. Just like how Georgia was suppressing the vote. and on and on and on

you keep lying and we see you are lying

You my dear are the very last person on this earth who should talk about lying. I wish I had just a dollar for every daily lie you spew.
Said the guy with no kids. You are wrong. Parents have always had the ability to know what their kids are being taught. It's called "homework" and it comes home every day with their child. Some parents of course don't even bother to check that, help their kid with it, and ensure that it's turned in when due.

I have 2 kids - and what you said, as usual, is complete bullshit

homework gives an incomplete picture of what happens at school. Parent teacher conferences fill in some gaps, but not all.
Parents already have all these rights, plus access to school budgets, curricula, field trips, illnesses making the rounds, threats against students, etc. This is nothing more than pandering because if there's one thing (R)s love the most, it's piling into one of their clown cars and showing off for the base.

Yet some exercising these rights were given a threat tag by the FBI based on a memo from the current AG.