House to Vote on Whether to Punish Marjorie Taylor Greene

‘It’s Embarrassing’: Marjorie Taylor Greene Tests the Limits of Some Voters

“It’s embarrassing,” Ashley Shelton, a stay-at-home mother who voted for Ms. Greene, said of the controversy. She thought former President Donald J. Trump would serve another term and saw Ms. Greene as “a backup, a comfort.”

“I think she’s kind of a loose cannon,” Ms. Shelton said before paraphrasing a line from the Old Testament: “The wise are the quiet ones,” she said. “The more she opens her mouth, the less evidence of her wisdom.”
“It’s embarrassing,” Ashley Shelton, a stay-at-home mother who voted for Ms. Greene, said of the controversy. She thought former President Donald J. Trump would serve another term and saw Ms. Greene as “a backup, a comfort.”

“I think she’s kind of a loose cannon,” Ms. Shelton said before paraphrasing a line from the Old Testament: “The wise are the quiet ones,” she said. “The more she opens her mouth, the less evidence of her wisdom.”

Too bad she didn't do more research before inflicting this psycho on the nation.
Well, let’s see, isn’t she the one who said the Speaker of the House should be shot and Jews had lasers they were using on California, and seeing she questioned the school shootings, seems at the very least she doesn’t belong on the Education Committee

You haven't explained why she should be "punished". What did she do that was wrong? That's why you "punish" people.
Why "punish" her at all?

yep, she thinks as you and other rightys do. She is not that much of an outlier. The repubs backed her bigly last night. I suppose the Dems figured she would be difficult to work with. She may have been directing the rioters on 1-6. That is problematic. She is a nut but she is Mcconnels nut.
yep, she thinks as you and other rightys do. She is not that much of an outlier. The repubs backed her bigly last night. I suppose the Dems figured she would be difficult to work with. She may have been directing the rioters on 1-6. That is problematic. She is a nut but she is Mcconnels nut.

I expect the House to strip her of committee assigments.
impeach for something she said BEFORE she was in Congress?? LMAO

You people are impeachment crazed w/ out of office impeachments

It is not impeachment and just so ya know she stands by everything she said before being elected, meaning she still believes in them. Personally they should first remove her from all committees and if she ever says or does any more insane crap remove her from Congress, Period
yep, she thinks as you and other rightys do. She is not that much of an outlier. The repubs backed her bigly last night. I suppose the Dems figured she would be difficult to work with. She may have been directing the rioters on 1-6. That is problematic. She is a nut but she is Mcconnels nut.

I haven't yet had one of you fucking dunces explain why she needs to be "punished".
You are a very stupid and ignorant person. You deserve our pity.

So you don't have the first fucking clue why she should be "punished" do you? Yet here you are a loud mouth imbecile starting a thread about punishing her. I many be stupdi and ignorant but you're a piece of shit who doesn't know wlthe fuck is happening. You saw this somewhere and figured you'd post it here just to make yourself feel better. You fucking idiot
So you don't have the first fucking clue why she should be "punished" do you? Yet here you are a loud mouth imbecile starting a thread about punishing her. I many be stupdi and ignorant but you're a piece of shit who doesn't know wlthe fuck is happening. You saw this somewhere and figured you'd post it here just to make yourself feel better. You fucking idiot

You are to be pitied.
I don't care what you think.

Why don't you just admit you think she should be "punished" because she said shit you and the other retarded pig fucking leftists dont like. She didn't commit any crime you just don't like it. Fuck you you useless pile of shit.
Why don't you just admit you think she should be "punished" because she said shit you and the other retarded pig fucking leftists dont like. She didn't commit any crime you just don't like it. Fuck you you useless pile of shit.

And you wonder why people don't bother with you.