How a Republican can win the Presidency

I am sure there were people like you in the 18th century who thought they were entitled to the labor of their fellow citizens. Oh yeah they were called monarchs. How are you any different?

I work for my living, slave, and can manage even under your slave-system, without licking your masters' arses. Go and do thou likewise!
you could not. As I said, I do not believe that the magazine that I named has run the article about my house yet. If you think that is not the case, please tell me the issue number and I will verify your story. I give you ZERO permission to post anything personal about me.

Well, if it hasn't been published yet, why not let him publish the pictures here? After all, it can't be correct Dan it? What have you got to fear right?
you're not the brightest bulb in the make up mirror, are you?

Here's what we know: I said, earlier, that, at some point in 2014, my house was scheduled to be featured in an article in Ambientes magazine. Seeing as how they publish articles each month about a number of homes, my saying that did not give away any personal information other than the fact that I live in Mexico in a beautiful home. That applies to thousands of expats living here.

There may have been other, more locally focused publications that may or may not have featured photographs of me and/or my home. I have never named those publications nor have I authorized anyone to go lifting photos of me or my home from any of those publications and posting them here in violation of rule #1.

Is that clear enough for you?

Dear shit-for-brains; if they are published in a "public" magazine it is no longer "private". If someone posts a picture of a "featured" house in a magazine, it is not a violation of any rules and is "public" information.

Apparently there are no bulbs in your makeup mirror. What wierd fucking thing to say in the first place; are you in third grade?
The only way to live by your Constitution is to go back to the Eighteenth Century. Surely such an advanced economy can produce Time Machines?

So then in your perverted little pea-brain the Bill Of Rights was only valid in the 18th century, right asshole?
that's one interpretation as to how to preserve protect and defend the constitution.... others may have different, equally legitimate, equally patriotic ones.

You'd fucking ignore it or violate it and claim it was a "living document" that you could interpret however you wanted even if your interpretation was absurd and fucking stupid and criminal and that’s legitimate & patriotic right Goober?
You'd fucking ignore it or violate it and claim it was a "living document" that you could interpret however you wanted even if your interpretation was absurd and fucking stupid and criminal and that’s legitimate & patriotic right Goober?

ignore it? no. violate it? no. claim it is a living document? yes, and it can and has been interpreted by jurists since its very inception, with the support and acceptance of the American people.

If that really upsets you so much, invent a time machine and go back before Marbury v. Madison.

Just as a warning, I've been told that there are no good barristas back then, and it is impossible to get a good martini anywhere so you should probably consider things like that before heading back.
I am sure there were people like you in the 18th century who thought they were entitled to the labor of their fellow citizens. Oh yeah they were called monarchs. How are you any different?

I earn as much of my living as is not stolen by your masters, kid. How even anyone as muddled as yourself could confuse me with monarchs of any sort is puzzling, but it must be difficult to think up there in Shit Creek.
Put it into English, child. Tantrums are not thought.

So again you're at a loss for rational response I see asshole commie. I'll try again. Are you saying that the Bill Of Rights was only applicable to the 18th Century?
ignore it? no. violate it? no.

But earlier you identified those actions as ”legitimate & patriotic.”

claim it is a living document? yes, and it can and has been interpreted by jurists since its very inception, with the support and acceptance of the American people.

Of course the bitter truth is it’s been violated by politicians and ignored by partisan jurist before the ink was even dry and the vast majority of the American people are like you and don’t even have a fucking clue what’s in it or care.

The only thing left “living” about the Constitution is the fact that it offers an ”amendment system’ whereby it can be altered as it has 27 times. Of course since that’s an arduous task for corrupt government to accomplish, corrupt government simply ignores it while fucking idiots and traitors like you cheer and dance in the streets.
It was only applicable for rich slaveowners even then, as you know.

Oh! So the Bill Of Rights is only for rich slave owners? Can you direct me to the applicable scripture within the Constitution that verifies that? Of course you can, give it up Commie!!!!!
Oh! So the Bill Of Rights is only for rich slave owners? Can you direct me to the applicable scripture within the Constitution that verifies that? Of course you can, give it up Commie!!!!!

Kid, you will always believe your masters and love their big pink posteriors. Who were the chief traitors against their King, and why? Like their current descendants they were racists who hated paying taxes, and they had a lot of brainwashed grovellers to back them, as they still have. Alas, we thought they were decent people and supported them. Silly us!
Kid, you will always believe your masters and love their big pink posteriors. Who were the chief traitors against their King, and why? Like their current descendants they were racists who hated paying taxes, and they had a lot of brainwashed grovellers to back them, as they still have. Alas, we thought they were decent people and supported them. Silly us!

Oh! So in other words you have no evidence of your preposterous accusations, huh Commie? Who would have thunk it?????
You have to find a candidate that understands better than Randall Paul that women are not weak victims in every sexual relationship, and that we don't have to pander to them like weak underlings.