How about a little Black Community Reform?

Not at all. Like I said, it's about the discussion you're saying needs to be had just for a different group.

I see what you're saying. And like I said in the OP, ALL communities benefit from 2 parent households.

In fact, black kids that have 2 parents fair better than whie kids with 1 parent households.
So what was the author's conclusion?

My recollection is he was big on personal responsibility and the lack thereof among people he saw. He also blamed the culture. And if you see some of the reviews of the book there were many people from there who took offense to what he wrote. And it's probably not all that dissimilar to how black feel when white people critique and criticize their culture. It doesn't necessarily mean the critiques are wrong but it's human nature that people are defensive of their own.
because one group in America that does not know how to act and obey the law we have to cut police budgets that affect everyone
My recollection is he was big on personal responsibility and the lack thereof among people he saw. He also blamed the culture. And if you see some of the reviews of the book there were many people from there who took offense to what he wrote. And it's probably not all that dissimilar to how black feel when white people critique and criticize their culture. It doesn't necessarily mean the critiques are wrong but it's human nature that people are defensive of their own.

Culture? ... that is quite vague to me.

If they lack personal responsibility, then who feeds, clothes, houses, and provides medicine to them?
Culture? ... that is quite vague to me.

If they lack personal responsibility, then who feeds, clothes, houses, and provides medicine to them?

Tax payers.. mostly the whites...without whites in America the black here would end up like third world parts of Africa

Baltimore city spends more per student than almost any other city. 13 Baltimore city high schools had ZERO students proficient in math. But you can't fire any of the teachers because of the gov't Union.

Fucking whtie libs don't give a fuck about our Black children. :barf:

What have white cons ever done for black children? Besides calling them affirmative action, lazy, sucking on the government teat, fatherless, low-intelligence thieves and killers, I mean.
That's great. Now all of you that want to blame it on black communities can put your money where your mouths are by throwing your tax refunds into a hat for black communities.
Tax payers.. mostly the whites...without whites in America the black here would end up like third world parts of Africa

No, Black Americans were becoming successful, despite the Socialists' Jim Crow, before the Left's welfare state, which destroyed fatherhood.

The White libs targeted Black families for destruction first, because they were the most vulnerable.

It is single mothers, of all races, that receive the majority of State welfare.
African Americans have tiny brains and high hormone levels. If blacks are ever going to be anything, whites have to do all the work for them. Duh. Democrats get this. Why don't you racist Republicans understand?
What's that mean?

Instead of accepting that multiracialism doesn't work, you're taking the more PC path, which is to say that the black community just has cultural problems that can be fixed. It's like when Republicans say the reason black communities are in shambles is because of Democrats and Identity Politics. As if that somehow explains why virtually every black community around the world is like that.
It's not much different from Democrats who say the problem is White Supremacy.
Instead of accepting that multiracialism doesn't work, you're taking the more PC path, which is to say that the black community just has cultural problems that can be fixed. It's like when Republicans say the reason black communities are in shambles is because of Democrats and Identity Politics. As if that somehow explains why virtually every black community around the world is like that.
It's not much different from Democrats who say the problem is White Supremacy.

Yes. I've been arguing its a cultural problem for years.

Europeans and Asians come from pride/shame cultures. European Chivalry and Asian Bushido code's, etc. These cultures put a lot of shame on you if you do something illegal. Weather you get caught or not the individual will feel ashamed to himself and family.

Black, Latinos, and ME's don't come from such societies. IF they steal a bike or candy from a shop it doesn't even bother them because they haven't been taught that there is anything shameful or morally wrong with it.

Further they are told they are products of racism, etc, so they feel justified in doing bad or illegal activities.
Black, Latinos, and ME's don't come from such societies. IF they steal a bike or candy from a shop it doesn't even bother them because they haven't been taught that there is anything shameful or morally wrong with it.

That's not true at all. In fact, the laws are often stricter in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East.

Further they are told they are products of racism, etc, so they feel justified in doing bad or illegal activities.

So what's the excuse for the black communities outside of America?
That's not true at all. In fact, the laws are often stricter in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East.

So what's the excuse for the black communities outside of America?

They have to be stricter because they don't have shame societies.

The excuse is their culture.