How ABOUT those Red Sox!

I really don't think they could have turned two on that grounder...but we'll never know.

It would have been a tough play.

I don't like picking goats. It's a multiple game series and the better team should be able to overcome one bad play.
But if I was picking one it would be Fielder. He did nothing all series and his base running mistake was just stupid.

But I think the biggest difference was the bullpens.
and with the tying run at the plate, Uehara picks off the rookie pinch runner at first for the final out.

Go BoSox!
I stand corrected. Allow me to rephrase that. How is that humanly possible? How can one hate a team AS MUCH AS the evil empire?

I don't hate the Yankees - I hate the White Sox and everything Comisky. I root against NY, as per tradition, but it's hard to hate a team that fielded Lou Gehrig and some of my favorite players of all-time, such as Ruth, DiMaggio, Marris, Mantle, Yogi, Ford, O'Neal, Williams, Jeter, Mariano, etc.
boston strong motherfuckers.

fairy tale ending.


All I have to say. The truth is self evident.