Minister of Truth
Practically Perfect
The president should not sign any such proposed amendment, but, Congress and the states could always vote to ratify such an article, regardless.
The Constitution gets amended by either a Congressional resolution, a congressional petition, a written amendment by a member/members of the Congress, to be debated by the Congress, to be passed by both houses of the Congress and signed into law by a President and only official therewith ratification of a minimum of 3/4 of the States, or amending the Constitution can be started by 2/3 of the States calling a Constitutional Convention and presenting agreed on amendments to the Constitution to be ratified by at minimum 3/4 of the States.
When was the last State's Constitutional Convention called and presented an amendment to the Constitution that was ratified into the Constitution? Wasn't that like the 10 amendments called the Bill Of Rights? Weren't every following amendment originated and made by the Congress and the feds?
Hey, I've been calling for a Constitutional Convention here and everywhere for decades. I get "rolled eyes", insults and ridicule from both the right and left. Where's the petition I can sign to force a Constitutional Convention? I'll be obliged for that info.
It is the realistic answer you racist.