How Affordable Is The Affordable Care Act?

I too, am beginning to pity you. Medicare accounts for about 14% of the natl debt. By allowing an influx of premium dollars, coupled with a change in the overall risk demographic, you'll actually see a reduction in Medicare shortfalls.

What a naive twit you are darlin! The influx of dollars will come from the most physically ill. Therefore darlin, the COST will far, far outpace the income unless the CHARGE for the coverage is at least equal to the COST Are you an economic moron? Have you NO understanding of markets and incompetent government hell bent on bribing the vote? The government will operate it all at a deficit! That's what incompetent government does! They will never charge what the cost is, because they need to bribe the vote to stay in power and fuck you over! Get it now darelin?:dunno: You don't get to claim victory, after 60% of the country's governors worked tirelessly to kill the law. Projections were not based on data that included the politicizing of people's lives.

and yet, the end result is still the why isn't it a victory?
In the end, we'll get a public option, which will force insurers to either get with the program, or find another line of work.

you are a naive fool to even believe for a second that the money shoveled over to our establishment rulers will even prompt a half hearted attempt to change the way health insurance companies work
you've made several assumptions about things with your posts in reply to my statement, the first one would be thinking i'd 'git to it' in response to any of your idiot demands.

He's only capable of "assuming" he has no evidence of anything he's a leftist brainwashed brain-dead progressive moron and asshole!
you've made several assumptions about things with your posts in reply to my statement, the first one would be thinking i'd 'git to it' in response to any of your idiot demands.

He's only capable of "assuming" he has no evidence of anything he's a leftist brainwashed brain-dead progressive moron and asshole!

I promise to make more, an effort, to break a sweat......when kickin' your the Future.



"Purchase Medicare." At what cost darlin? Medicare is a featured fact involved in the explosive NATIONAL DEBT.

just a little FYI, shaman, more people will put you on ignore instead of trying to reply to all the 'flash' you put in your posts.......but hey, if you want to be ignored, then carry on.
Single-Payer System: Why It Would Ruin US Healthcare

Many doctors believe that the real problem with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is that it didn't go far enough—that what it should have been, if it had been politically possible, was a single-payer system that extended health insurance to all Americans and would have benefited doctors and patients alike.

However, a recent Medscape article looked at the problems inherent in a single-payer system, dubbed "Medicare-for-all," and identified many that could be significant.

One critic noted that single-payer systems in Canada, the United Kingdom, and other developed countries have to impose strict central planning. Rather than leave healthcare choices up to individual physicians, their patients, and free-market forces that could balance supply with demand, the government sets the rule. This would inevitably result in shortages of some services and gluts of others.

And with no competitors, central planners could arbitrarily decide what physician payments should be. Studies of countries with universal coverage show that their doctors earn up to 70% less than doctors here.

Another disturbing aspect of a single-payer system is the lack of competition among payers, which would reduce physicians' control over standards of care and reimbursement. In a multipayer system, doctors can choose which insurers to work with—even opting out of Medicare and Medicaid, as doctors are increasingly choosing to do. They couldn't in a pure single-payer system.

Critics also point to waiting lists so long in the much-vaunted Canadian single-payer system that some Canadians choose to come to the United States or other countries to receive timely care. Britain's National Health Service, often held up as model of how single-payer can work, is plagued by chronic problems in the quality of care that put some patients at life-threatening risk. The closest analogue we have to a single-payer system here, the Veterans Health Administration, has been rocked by scandals about untimely access and is staffed by too few doctors, who, one critic charges, "work shorter hours just punching a clock."

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I promise to make more, an effort, to break a sweat when kicking your ass in the Future.

It'll take more than breaking a sweat to kick my ass ever and for the first time Goober. You're a mental midget and drastically my intellectual inferior.:cof1: