How bad is Hillary's health?

It would appear her health is worse than we thought.

And Clinton told the FBI she could not recall any briefing after her December 2012 fall that left her with a concussion, an admission that will surely stoke concerns about Clinton’s health and physical fitness to serve in the job of president.
I mean she can't recall things she should obviously remember like receiving training on how to handle classified information. I mean she signed a document stating that she did indeed receive training. So how could she not recall that?

I call for her to immediately release her health records. The American people have the right to know if the cognitive function of a potential President is not impaired by physical illness.
MKULTRA - Psychotronic Weapons and the Hillary Clinton Seizure Observation

Published on Aug 8, 2016

The recent viral media report released by major media on 07-23-16, showing Hillary Clinton having some type of seizure on camera, is in fact a recorded media event from late June. It is this viral Hillary media report, that in my opinion, shows much more than just the media spectacle of Hillary Clinton experiencing a seizure episode on camera. It is my observation based on observable facts, that enough evidence exists to strongly infer and or strongly suggest, that Hillary Clinton was being negatively influenced by some type of MK-ULTRA Psychotronic weapon, disguised as a voice recorder. This report will show how the seizure episode initially began and how two subjects in the video, appear to be aiming their disguised voice recorders, into the forehead and the side of Hillary's head to induce the bizarre behavior seen on camera. Once the two subjects aim their recorders at Hillary, the seizure episode occurs. It is this Hillary observation, that this report will show and discuss.

Background Sources and Links:

Gosh, she's crapping her panties, having strokes, memory loses and seizures. All that stress from lying is killing her...
Hillary Clinton has been attacked by high tech. weapon to produce a phenomenon that she is having a bad health. Now there comes her life intimidation.

SEPTEMBER 13, 2016
TV anchor accidentally reports Hillary Clinton died


A TV anchor started his broadcast Sunday with a startling statement.

“Good evening,” said WABC weekend anchor Joe Torres. “We begin with Hillary Clinton’s death.”

Torres didn’t correct himself, but the broadcast continued on to report Clinton’s health troubles at Sunday’s 9/11 memorial ceremony in New York. The Democratic presidential candidate was dehydrated standing outside on the hot day, her campaign said, and video taken of her leaving the site early showed her needing assistance to get into a van.

The station told TVSpy that the mistake was accidental.

Read more here:
We Just Can’t Back Donald Trump, 30 Former GOP Lawmakers Say In Letter
The guy is too toxic for many ex-public officials.

“In nominating Donald Trump, the Republican Party has asked the people of the United States to entrust their future to a man who insults women, mocks the handicapped, urges that dissent be met with violence, seeks to impose religious tests for entry into the United States, and applies a de facto ethnicity test to judges,” the letter reads. “He offends our allies and praises dictators. His public statements are peppered with lies. He belittles our heroes and insults the parents of men who have died serving our country. Every day brings a fresh revelation that highlights the unacceptable danger in electing him to lead our nation.”

Among the letter’s signatories are former Reps. Bob Bauman (R-Md.), Steve Bartlett (R-Texas), Tom Coleman (R-Mo.), Bill Clinger (R-Pa.), Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.), Tom Petri (R-Wis.), Mickey Edwards (R-Okla.), Bob Inglis (R-S.C.), Vin Weber (R-Minn.), and Dick Zimmer (R-N.J.), and former Sen. Gordon Humphrey (R-N.H.).
Products of the establishment don't like the guy who intends to purge DC of the fraud and corruption.
I'm surprised he's still alive.
MKULTRA - Psychotronic Weapons and the Hillary Clinton Seizure Observation

Published on Aug 8, 2016

The recent viral media report released by major media on 07-23-16, showing Hillary Clinton having some type of seizure on camera, is in fact a recorded media event from late June. It is this viral Hillary media report, that in my opinion, shows much more than just the media spectacle of Hillary Clinton experiencing a seizure episode on camera. It is my observation based on observable facts, that enough evidence exists to strongly infer and or strongly suggest, that Hillary Clinton was being negatively influenced by some type of MK-ULTRA Psychotronic weapon, disguised as a voice recorder. This report will show how the seizure episode initially began and how two subjects in the video, appear to be aiming their disguised voice recorders, into the forehead and the side of Hillary's head to induce the bizarre behavior seen on camera. Once the two subjects aim their recorders at Hillary, the seizure episode occurs. It is this Hillary observation, that this report will show and discuss.

Background Sources and Links:

Melania Trump: These 36 Photos Will Have You Wondering Whether She’s First Lady Material

Will these 36 photos make you doubt Melania Trump's ability to be seen as a First Lady?

Well the good news for hrc is she an now focus on dealing with her health to be able to be a grandma to Chelsea child.
Is she the first runner-up to epically fail like this?
Hard to say. Need some time to pass for historical perspective.
She did have a terrible campaign but that had more to do with her record than the schmucks trying to make it work.

Donkey party blew this so blame BO.
Bye bye legacy.