How bad is Hillary's health?

Hillary is like one bottle of vodka away from puking up a liver. Let's hope that when she's dead and gone, all of the hits that she puts out on people who get in her way will come to a stop. 9-11 is the biggest terrorist attack ever commited on American soil, Hillary is the second.
It's been confirmed that the Hillary 'health' conspiracy originated from Russia. Sorry for the bad news. They're also orchestrating a campaign via right-wing media (but originating from Russia) to oust McMasters.
It's been confirmed that the Hillary 'health' conspiracy originated from Russia. Sorry for the bad news. They're also orchestrating a campaign via right-wing media (but originating from Russia) to oust McMasters.

Well, if there's one thing that the Russians understand, it's bad health.

LBJ was an asshole, but you can't deny the great things he accomplished.

If it hadn't been for the Vietnam War, LBJ unquestionably would have been ranked among the top five presidents. People either forget, or are unaware, of the magnitude and scope of his accomplishments domestically.

I have also found the very belated rightwing outrage at LBJ over Vietnam curious. It was liberal hippies, radicals, and lefties that were protesting the Vietnam War. Rightwingers supported it throughout. For years on message boards, I was lectured by rightwingers that the left "lost" Vietnam for us, and that we should have stayed in Vietnam and kept fighting.
If it hadn't been for the Vietnam War, LBJ unquestionably would have been ranked among the top five presidents. People either forget, or are unaware, of the magnitude and scope of his accomplishments domestically.

I have also found the very belated rightwing outrage at LBJ over Vietnam curious. It was liberal hippies, radicals, and lefties that were protesting the Vietnam War. Rightwingers supported it throughout. For years on message boards, I was lectured by rightwingers that the left "lost" Vietnam for us, and that we should have stayed in Vietnam and kept fighting.

The left did lose Vietnam - LBJ was a leftist.
The left did lose Vietnam - LBJ was a leftist.

Do your parents, grandparents, or any older relative receive and use Medicare?

Even with the undeniable debacle of Vietnam on his hands, professional historians generally rank LBJ within the top 15 presidents.

Remember they guy you voted for and defended, and thought would make a good president - George Dumbya Bush? He generally ranks as one of the worst presidents this nation has ever had.
Do your parents, grandparents, or any older relative receive and use Medicare?

Even with the undeniable debacle of Vietnam on his hands, professional historians generally rank LBJ within the top 15 presidents.

Remember they guy you voted for and defended, and thought would make a good president - George Dumbya Bush? He generally ranks as one of the worst presidents this nation has ever had.

LBJ was a terrible president, and easily one of the most corrupt. The lesson of both men seems to be a caution of electing Texans to the office. And dismissing Vietnam is a pretty weak way to try to sell LBJ as a success story. It's like trying to dismiss Watergate in order to sell Nixon's accomplishments in foreign diplomacy and environmentalism.
Do your parents, grandparents, or any older relative receive and use Medicare?
FedCo threatened prison time if I don't and they had not paid into the system. Your argument is then that if we receive the benefits we should be agree with that?
FedCo threatened prison time if I don't and they had not paid into the system. Your argument is then that if we receive the benefits we should be agree with that?
Social entitlements we are forced pay into are for those who are too irresponsible throughout life to do so themselves. It's like being forced into buying an extended warranty every time we buy something. Every time that's offered to me I put the amount it would've cost into an 'extended warranty' fund in the stock market and use it when something I bought breaks. Been doing this for close to two decades.
I'm up to around $16,000 in that fund and still growing .
Social entitlements we are forced pay into are for those who are too irresponsible throughout life to do so themselves. It's like being forced into buying an extended warranty every time we buy something. Every time that's offered to me I put the amount it would've cost into an 'extended warranty' fund in the stock market and use it when something I bought breaks. Been doing this for close to two decades.
I'm up to around $16,000 in that fund and still growing .

My elderly neighbor, a 'rat but otherwise a good friend, tried this argument with me about Social Security. My response was similar and I also explained to him that I did the math, that if John Doe Working Poor making X was forced to buy wage insurance and pay into his own private investment account for 45 years that he could retire at 2 to 3 times his working salary just on the recurring interest alone, then give it to his kids or some charity upon his death. Therefore if the Democrat Party really cared about him as much as he believes they would have converted the Social Security system over to that slowly since its enactment. What SS really is is a program that virtually ensures that the working poor will never accumulate wealth, thus they will always feel beholden to the party that gave them such a raw deal.
My elderly neighbor, a 'rat but otherwise a good friend, tried this argument with me about Social Security. My response was similar and I also explained to him that I did the math, that if John Doe Working Poor making X was forced to buy wage insurance and pay into his own private investment account for 45 years that he could retire at 2 to 3 times his working salary just on the recurring interest alone, then give it to his kids or some charity upon his death. Therefore if the Democrat Party really cared about him as much as he believes they would have converted the Social Security system over to that slowly since its enactment. What SS really is is a program that virtually ensures that the working poor will never accumulate wealth, thus they will always feel beholden to the party that gave them such a raw deal.
In short social entitlements are the gubmint's Trojan Horse. They're a way for the gubmint to extract more money while masquerading as a benefit. Most buy into that lie.
Too bad GWB got into the boondoggle of the Iraq war. He was on track to privatize SS. It could have been a great accomplishment.
And it's too bad rpubs and Trump are obsessed with healthcare. They should privatize SS while they have the opportunity before it's lost.
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In short social entitlements are the gubmint's Trojan Horse. They're a way for the gubmint to extract more money while masquerading as a benefit. Most buy into that lie.
Too bad GWB got into the boondoggle of the Iraq war. He was on track to privatize SS. It could have been a great accomplishment.
And it's too bad rpubs and Trump are obsessed with healthcare. They should privatize SS while they have the opportunity before it's lost.

Obamacare completes the trifecta for the 'Rat Party. They now have it all- ensuring po' folk will forever be po'.