Verified User
Just fucking priceless!
You're such a cute little 5th grader, Momma's proud, huh?
Just fucking priceless!
You're such a cute little 5th grader, Momma's proud, huh?
^Again, the willfully ignorant dumbfuck demonstrates his massive ignorance of what constitutes a sanctuary city.
Laughable moron.![]()
It’s not that I think so highly of myself. I merely observe the laziness and willful ignorance of you pathetic, semi-literate Trump tards.
No individual curiosity whatsoever and unable or unwilling to educate yourselves on any given topic.
You idiots still need your mommies to wipe your asses.
Laughable cretins.![]()
You're such a cute little 5th grader, Momma's proud, huh?
You're such a cute little 5th grader, Momma's proud, huh?
Can you bend over and kiss your own ass? I'd bet you would if you could.
Any given topic? Have you thought about going on Jeopardy? You'd never lose.
Why are you wasting your time here on a lesser known political forum? Shouldn't
you be out enriching the world with your knowledge and insight? A professor, perhaps?
Damn, you are modest![]()
You're such a cute little 5th grader, Momma's proud, huh?
Still haven’t taken the few minutes to look anything up, have you, lazy cunt?
You should take HALF the time educating yourself that you do posting ignorant bullshit. You’d be far better off.
Willfully ignorant moron.![]()
No need to look it up. It's what you say it is, right?
Still hanging on to your willful ignorance, I see. At least you’re consistent.
I'd say I was hanging onto your willful ignorance, it's what you say it is, right?
Quote Originally Posted by Robo View Post
Well then junior you could at least give us one re-post of your past enlightening statements to prove you're not just a slime-mouthed phony assed liar, right? We'll understand if you ignore that challenge!
That is you in the mirror to whom you are talking, you nit wit. Your mind, deep in paresis, is now failing you completely.Thank you Jimmy for your admission that you have ZERO rational excuses for the hypocrisy of your, rabid mad junkyard dog Democrats! I knew all along Jimmy you'd fail.
Well then junior you could at least give us one re-post of your past enlightening statements to prove you're not just a slime-mouthed phony assed liar, right? We'll understand if you ignore that challenge!
A sanctuary city is one that does not cooperate with INS in low-priority immigrants, who are workers. They turn over those with serious crimes. Donald Gump is turning away the laborers we need. We don't have the birth rate to keep up with the workers we need, so we have to bring in immigrants.,
Oh ! No , no , no ,no ! Sanctuary cities DO NOT TURN OVER illegals with serious crimes or who have final deportation orders !!
Wake up you stupid liberal !
^Another ignorant fuck that doesn't know shit about sanctuary cities.
If an undocumented immigrant commits a serious crime, the police can keep them in jail by filing charges. Or ICE can can present the police with a warrant or other order from a judge, which will result in a hold until ICE can come by.
What IS illegal, stupid fuck, is to hold someone past the point when they should be released merely to detain them for ICE.
Willfully ignorant loser.![]()