How Braaack Hussein Osama will get the white southern bubba vote!! pure genious!!!

it's Obama not Osama....but of course YOU knew that didn't you.... you're going a little too low for me there Hip.... tisk, tisk!

So you think because his mother owned some slaves that those racists you speak about will vote for him in the south...?
it's Obama not Osama....but of course YOU knew that didn't you.... you're going a little too low for me there Hip.... tisk, tisk!

So you think because his mother owned some slaves that those racists you speak about will vote for him in the south...?

Please refer to this thread:

Shocker!: The wingnuts have basically run out of anything substantive to say
I really think Obama is starting to scare the conservatives. They keep calling him nasty nicknames and bringing up illrelevant shit about his family history.

When a Conservative starts calling you names or perverting your name to some silly schoolyard rhyme, like they did to "slick-willie" or are now doing to Obama, you know they are intimidated.
Don't know why. Obamas probably the only one at this point who looks like he can keep Hillary Clinton out of the white house. Doesn't that count for something.
Don't know why. Obamas probably the only one at this point who looks like he can keep Hillary Clinton out of the white house. Doesn't that count for something.

I don' t think so. There's a large percentage (by far the majority) of Republicans who want only one person to keep Hillary out of the white house; another republican.

Witness the continued #1 standing of Rudy in Republican polls. The conventional wisdom said he could never win a republican primary. Now, the conventional wisdom says, wait, once they find out m ore about him (Pro choice, pro-gay rights, 3rd marriage, attempted to move his mistress into the same home with his wife and children etc), they won't support him.

Well, come on, they know all that by now. They're looking at electibility and they think rudy can win a general. They know the country isn't going to go for someone who is anything like bush. So they're going to hold their noses and compromise. (I was taken off guard by this turn of events myself)

Anybody but any Democrat. Because Democrats, are evil. Literally evil, biblically evil. Aligned with Satan.
Don't know why. Obamas probably the only one at this point who looks like he can keep Hillary Clinton out of the white house. Doesn't that count for something.

they want clinton to win the they can bring up all the crap they've been gathering on her for the last decade or two... during the election, so they can bring out their scare tactics and give reason for the conservatives to come out and vote
The conventional wisdom said he could never win a republican primary. Now, the conventional wisdom says, wait, once they find out m ore about him (Pro choice, pro-gay rights, 3rd marriage, attempted to move his mistress into the same home with his wife and children etc), they won't support him. .... So they're going to hold their noses and compromise. (I was taken off guard by this turn of events myself)

Anybody but any Democrat.

Are you saying that that whole "Morality Matters!" mantra at the 2000 inaugeration of George Bush, was completely phony and cynical? And that Dixie's continual assertions that "morality matters", is fake?

I'm shocked!!!
The conventional wisdom said he could never win a republican primary. Now, the conventional wisdom says, wait, once they find out m ore about him (Pro choice, pro-gay rights, 3rd marriage, attempted to move his mistress into the same home with his wife and children etc), they won't support him. .... So they're going to hold their noses and compromise. (I was taken off guard by this turn of events myself)

Anybody but any Democrat.

Are you saying that that whole "Morality Matters!" mantra at the 2000 inaugeration of George Bush, was completely phony and cynical? And that Dixie's continual assertions that "morality matters", is fake?

I'm shocked!!!

I honestly don't know Cypress. I know you're being facetious, but I'm serious. I don't know. I have always been beyond baffled at a "morality" that could hold a blow job as a bigger sin than a war that is a complete lie. A "morality" in fact, that doesn't even reconize that war kills, burns, and maims children!

So I don't know if it's real, or feigned. To me, those people live on another planet. I wish they had stayed there.
Its simply because like the Democrats the Republicans are just a hodgepodge of competing interests.

Its like in that movie Bulworth where Warren Beatty tells the black church audience: "What are you gonna do vote Republican?!"

The same could be said to Evangelicals "What are you gonna do vote Democrat?!"
I don' t think so. There's a large percentage (by far the majority) of Republicans who want only one person to keep Hillary out of the white house; another republican.

Witness the continued #1 standing of Rudy in Republican polls. The conventional wisdom said he could never win a republican primary. Now, the conventional wisdom says, wait, once they find out m ore about him (Pro choice, pro-gay rights, 3rd marriage, attempted to move his mistress into the same home with his wife and children etc), they won't support him.

Well, come on, they know all that by now. They're looking at electibility and they think rudy can win a general. They know the country isn't going to go for someone who is anything like bush. So they're going to hold their noses and compromise. (I was taken off guard by this turn of events myself)

Anybody but any Democrat. Because Democrats, are evil. Literally evil, biblically evil. Aligned with Satan.
Oh, yeah, right. Me and Hillary, we go way back.

I really love you goons up here, you know? Listen up, pinheads. Every single politician in the world is on my side. The really great thing is that I can tell you that and almost none of you self-centered morons will believe it. I mean that in a nice way. Nobody likes self-centered morons more than me.

Wait a minute. There is that stale steamed bun Kucinich. He's not really on my side. Yet. I'm working on the ka-youtie he married though. I love working through the women you know.
I don' t think so. There's a large percentage (by far the majority) of Republicans who want only one person to keep Hillary out of the white house; another republican.

Witness the continued #1 standing of Rudy in Republican polls. The conventional wisdom said he could never win a republican primary. Now, the conventional wisdom says, wait, once they find out m ore about him (Pro choice, pro-gay rights, 3rd marriage, attempted to move his mistress into the same home with his wife and children etc), they won't support him.

Well, come on, they know all that by now. They're looking at electibility and they think rudy can win a general. They know the country isn't going to go for someone who is anything like bush. So they're going to hold their noses and compromise. (I was taken off guard by this turn of events myself)

Anybody but any Democrat. Because Democrats, are evil. Literally evil, biblically evil. Aligned with Satan.
Hmmm... I wonder if you were up in arms with the ABB crowd, you know those people who think all republicans are evil.. Real, literal, biblical evil...

Anyway. I think the party is starting to understand that the RR didn't serve them very well and working back to what I believe is the libertarian (small l) base of the party.
I really think Obama is starting to scare the conservatives. They keep calling him nasty nicknames and bringing up illrelevant shit about his family history.

When a Conservative starts calling you names or perverting your name to some silly schoolyard rhyme, like they did to "slick-willie" or are now doing to Obama, you know they are intimidated.

Bill clinton was a living abomination. obama nation?
Hmmm... I wonder if you were up in arms with the ABB crowd, you know those people who think all republicans are evil.. Real, literal, biblical evil...

Anyway. I think the party is starting to understand that the RR didn't serve them very well and working back to what I believe is the libertarian (small l) base of the party.

The ABB crowd, of which I am a proud member, thought and still do think, that BUSH was evil. See, that's why they called themselves the ABB (or, anybody but BUSH) crowd and not the ABR (anybody but a republican) crowd in the first place.

However, I am not "up in arms" nor do I indicate that I am any such thing in my post. Surprised, and being a political junkie, fascinated by this embrace of a known sexual deviant by the hard-core primary base of the R party...but up in arms? lol. No.

These are the people who were prostrate with grief over a blow job but who continue to support a lie of a war no matter how much death and suffering it causes (as long as it's not their kid). When I'm up arms about something (and I am up in arms over that), you'll know it. I think it shows.
The ABB crowd, of which I am a proud member, thought and still do think, that BUSH was evil. See, that's why they called themselves the ABB (or, anybody but BUSH) crowd and not the ABR (anybody but a republican) crowd in the first place.

However, I am not "up in arms" nor do I indicate that I am any such thing in my post. Surprised, and being a political junkie, fascinated by this embrace of a known sexual deviant by the hard-core primary base of the R party...but up in arms? lol. No.

These are the people who were prostrate with grief over a blow job but who continue to support a lie of a war no matter how much death and suffering it causes (as long as it's not their kid). When I'm up arms about something (and I am up in arms over that), you'll know it. I think it shows.
Clinton was a rapist.

Juanita Broadrick

Let's not forget the truth.
The ABB crowd, of which I am a proud member, thought and still do think, that BUSH was evil. See, that's why they called themselves the ABB (or, anybody but BUSH) crowd and not the ABR (anybody but a republican) crowd in the first place.

However, I am not "up in arms" nor do I indicate that I am any such thing in my post. Surprised, and being a political junkie, fascinated by this embrace of a known sexual deviant by the hard-core primary base of the R party...but up in arms? lol. No.

These are the people who were prostrate with grief over a blow job but who continue to support a lie of a war no matter how much death and suffering it causes (as long as it's not their kid). When I'm up arms about something (and I am up in arms over that), you'll know it. I think it shows.
Nah, the ABB crowd is just an adjunct of the ABR crowd. Shoot, I hear them everyday at work. They don't even know what they don't like about them, they just don't want "them Republicans" to win. It's amazing to hear the people.
Nah, the ABB crowd is just an adjunct of the ABR crowd. Shoot, I hear them everyday at work. They don't even know what they don't like about them, they just don't want "them Republicans" to win. It's amazing to hear the people.

Yeah, it must suck to have to face up to just how right the "ABB" crowd was.

I can see trying to avoid it. That's ok.
Yeah, it must suck to have to face up to just how right the "ABB" crowd was.

I can see trying to avoid it. That's ok.
Nope. I faced up long ago. Voted for Badnarick, the insane. Did you vote for that guy with the exact same plan as Bush's for Iraq with all of 10K more troops? The one that kept repeating the Bush plan as his plan then kept saying that Bush didn't have one? That guy who sucked so much more than the most unpopular sitting president that most I know who voted for Bush still say that the worst part is that they would still have to hold their nose and vote Bush?

You mean that one.

The ABB crowd, especially at that time, was just an extension, a branch-off of the ABR crowd.

Now the, "This is a crappy undeclared war" crowd, where I fit in... We had the right of it.