How Braaack Hussein Osama will get the white southern bubba vote!! pure genious!!!

Nope. I faced up long ago. Voted for Badnarick, the insane. Did you vote for that guy with the exact same plan as Bush's for Iraq with all of 10K more troops? The one that kept repeating the Bush plan as his plan then kept saying that Bush didn't have one? That guy who sucked so much more than the most unpopular sitting president that most I know who voted for Bush still say that the worst part is that they would still have to hold their nose and vote Bush?

You mean that one.

The ABB crowd, especially at that time, was just an extension, a branch-off of the ABR crowd.

Now the, "This is a crappy undeclared war" crowd, where I fit in... We had the right of it.

If you are convinced that only you know what is in the hearts and minds of others, and what they really mean when they say "anybody but bush"...then you should go happily along holding that belief. That's fine.
If you are convinced that only you know what is in the hearts and minds of others, and what they really mean when they say "anybody but bush"...then you should go happily along holding that belief. That's fine.
Cool thanks. I was desperately seeking your approval.

It doesn't take for me to "know" what is in their hearts and minds, it is what they tell me is there. But heck, if you think you know what is in my heart and mind then you should go happily along holding that belief. That seems to be fine with you...
I was an ABB, but I am not so against Rudy or McCain... Id consider "throwing away my vote" and going third party if either of them were the republican nominee. If a Bush clone were the nominee, Id vote for the most likely person to beat him.
Its simply because like the Democrats the Republicans are just a hodgepodge of competing interests.

Its like in that movie Bulworth where Warren Beatty tells the black church audience: "What are you gonna do vote Republican?!"

The same could be said to Evangelicals "What are you gonna do vote Democrat?!"

If it comes down to Hillary/Obama vs. Guliani........I simply won't vote.