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I hope it works out for you. I really do. Because I'm in the same shit circus you are in. I can't deny that the majority of American voters chose Trump.

I can't deny that they were so terrified of drag queens they elected a man who admires Hitler.


That fallacy aside, voters rejected the Left. They rejected the LGBTPDQRSTUV+- whatever, in your face, sexual proclivities. They rejected more government as the solution to the country's problems. They rejected what amounts to open borders. They rejected soft on crime policies.

The shit circus the Left created is over for the moment and not too soon.
I can't deny that they were so horrified of trans surgeries in schools that don't actually happen, they elected a man who mocks POW's for getting caught.

That shouldn't even be an issue. As an issue, it shouldn't even exist. Schools are supposed to be teaching students math, English, etc., to make them ready to be adults and enter the workforce, not social justice activist sites pushing whatever agenda the radical Left wants at the moment.
I can't deny that they were so mortified by "pronouns" that they elected a man who calls Americans "vermin" and "the enemy within".

You want to see "mortified by "pronouns" " go to something where the Left congregates. I went to this event...

And the group leader asked everyone to give their pronouns. She was a combination of petrified and horrified by me saying mine are "Boss and Chief." I explained that to the group briefly. Then I told her, she started it and I'm all in. The Lefties absolutely hated on me for it. In their world a non-conforming answer like mine, that meets their rules and that they can do nothing about is tantamount to being a religious heretic.
I can't deny that the cost of living was SO HIGH for them that they voted for a man who has been a millionaire since age 8 and has never "wanted" for anything in his entire existence and whose ONLY plans are guaranteed to do nothing but make prices higher.

Interestingly, billionaires and the rich supported Harris by roughly 2 to 1 over Trump. Why is that, if Harris was going to tax the snot out of them, etc.? Harris was going to make prices higher too, much higher. That is, where she didn't create artificial scarcity using price controls.
I can't deny any of it. It is who the American people wanted.

I can agree with that.
Easily solutions, ready-made scapegoats, it just goes down the esophagus so smoothly one hardly notices the aftertaste.

But one day the aftertaste is all we're going to have. I hope you are ready for that.

I have no problems with four years of Trump and think four years of Harris would be much worse for the nation. I don't expect Trump to be some paragon of virtue, but I would expect that Harris would push the idiocy of California and New York down the whole country's throat from day one. There is a reason people are fleeing blue states in mass, and it isn't because their governments are one's people enjoy living under.

This is one thing you won't be allowed to forget about your President.


That fallacy aside, voters rejected the Left. They rejected the LGBTPDQRSTUV+- whatever, in your face, sexual proclivities.

And you voted in a Nazi. Sounds rational.

Next time a MAGA person has a headache they need to remember that the shotgun in their unlocked closet can help eliminate the annoying pain of a headache as well.

They rejected more government as the solution to the country's problems. They rejected what amounts to open borders. They rejected soft on crime policies.

You rejected a "soft on crime" policy BY ELECTING A FUCKING FELON.


That shouldn't even be an issue. As an issue, it shouldn't even exist. Schools are supposed to be teaching students math, English, etc., to make them ready to be adults and enter the workforce, not social justice activist sites pushing whatever agenda the radical Left wants at the moment.


This is one thing you won't be allowed to forget about your President.


And you voted in a Nazi. Sounds rational.

Next time a MAGA person has a headache they need to remember that the shotgun in their unlocked closet can help eliminate the annoying pain of a headache as well.

You rejected a "soft on crime" policy BY ELECTING A FUCKING FELON.


WEAK! So very, weak. Poor little Nightlight63.