How can a true Christian support the Iraq war ?

Good Post dix, congrats. But that was the type I was speaking of, The ones who view this whole issue as a holy war and think all Islamic people are evil and must die.

One need only look at what is happening in Iraq. Islamic radicals are killing more Muslims than anything else! There were hundreds of Muslims followers inside the WTC buildings when they collapsed. These wackos would just as soon kill a Muslim for not following their twisted views, as a Jew or Christian!

We're not fighting a war against ALL Muslims, and if we ever did, we'd lose, there are 2 billion Muslims and only 300 million Americans. In other words, about seven-times as many of them as us. We better hope and pray we never are in a war with ALL Muslims, it wouldn't be pretty for us.

That said, the people who "must die" are the radical Islamofascists, who want to annihilate Israel and kill every Infidel and Jew on the planet. The nut job radicals who think they are paving the way for their lost Imam to return from the well, or whatever, to establish an Islamofascist Caliphate across the middle east, and drag us all, kicking and screaming, back to the freaking 5th Century! If we don't ALL stand together, Americans, Christians, Jews, AND Muslims, these sickos will prevail.

I can read the Quran and study the Muslim faith, and I can logically see how these radical nuts have perverted their faith, because Islam is a very violent religion, when you objectively examine it. This doesn't mean the religion is hopeless, or that ALL Muslims have interpreted the same message. I honestly believe it is a very small percentage of Muslims we are dealing with here, and the majority of the Muslim community wants exactly what we want, to live in harmony and with tolerant acceptance of each other. I also think that because of the nature of Islam, it's difficult for the non-radical Muslims to voice their objections to these radicals, which is something that really needs to happen, in order for people like Gaffer to begin to understand it's not ALL Muslims.
The old testament is pretty much a violent epic as well and that is what the Jews believe. Going to be difficult to ever get the extremist Jews and extremeist Islamic folks together I would think.
I think the more reasonable among us will just have to push peace down their throats till a few generations die off.
Oh, I understand that some people think this is a war against all Muslims, but that just isn't the case, and never has been. Like Maine, I know a lot of Muslims, and none of them want to saw my freakin' head off in the name of Allah, however, there are some Muslims out there who would love nothing better.

Our enemy is not Islam, it's the sick perverted people who have exploited their religious beliefs and claim they are doing it in the name of Allah. There is not a way to negotiate with them, there is no appeasement that will ever work, and if we simply ignore them, they will continue to grow and thrive until they overwhelm us with sheer numbers. If fighting them is creating more of them, then we need to fight harder, because we can't ever defeat them if we don't. There is no other solution here.

The one thing that pinheads don't seem to have much faith in, is democracy and freedom. This is the main reason this fanaticism has flourished, the region is controlled by tyrants and oppressive dictators, who use their nations wealth to build palaces and live in luxury while their people starve. If that element can be removed through democratization, it just might change the dynamic, and create an environment conducive with peace. Hey, before we have to resort to nuking all Muslims, I think it's worth a shot!

You've advocated a very un-christian like obliteration of muslim countries, and other countries:

jpp, October 9

-DIXIE: "Here's a plan... Bush should just say, what the fuck... they all want to call me a cowboy, they all want to blame everything on me, anyway... I'm going to send the B-2's to the capital of Iran, Syria, North Korea, and Venezuela, armed with 1m nukes, and inflict a little collateral damage, as a final warning. If they are so eager to get involved with the big dog, in a nuclear confrontation, let's get it on!

After the initial attention-getter, he issues a 48 hour deadline to turn over all nuclear-related materials to the UN and IAEA, or we will release the list of cities to be targeted next week, with the next higher level of nuclear technology in our arsenal.

.... Wake them up to reality by rocking their world, light their asses up one good time, and then let them know they have an option that would not require their total obliteration."
It would appear that Dixie might be coming around a bit, but I suspect he will still not admit to a mistake. but that is just Dixie.
It would appear that Dixie might be coming around a bit, but I suspect he will still not admit to a mistake. but that is just Dixie.

Nuking the capitals of four countries, making our policy one of inflicting extreme "collateral damage", and drawing up plans to escalate nuclear bombing of more cities, doesn't seem very "christian".
Yeah, I know Prissy, it's a good thing I am not in charge, huh? I tend to get a little worked up at times, and I express myself accordingly. In any event, it is going to be difficult to ever kill radical Islamic fundamentalists without killing some Muslims. It's sad, I wish this weren't the case, but the radical nuts we are after, like to hide behind the skirts of innocent Muslim women and children, while they launch attacks on us. They want to hide their weapons and ammo in Mosques and religious sanctuaries, because they know that we will not bomb those sites. My suggestion was, to wake them up! Let them clearly understand the gloves are coming off, and we are not playing games anymore. I think Bush has been far too passive in pursuing this war against them, and we really do need to take action and send a clear message. If we started targeting these places where the fanaticism is taught and preached, and relentlessly went after the mullahs and clerics who are fostering this warped perverted view of Islam, I think we could get results fast. Maybe that isn't the "Christian" thing to do, but it IS the military strategic thing to do, and it WOULD work.
The old testament is pretty much a violent epic as well and that is what the Jews believe. Going to be difficult to ever get the extremist Jews and extremeist Islamic folks together I would think.
I think the more reasonable among us will just have to push peace down their throats till a few generations die off.

Perhaps the Muslims need their own version of Jesus to come and bring the message of peace and love? I agree that the Old Testament is filled with violence, but that was the message of Jesus, and why it is so profound to this day.

We can't push anything down a radicals throat, they will not tolerate it. We can't make radical fundamentalist wackos do a damn thing they don't want to do. That is just the facts of the matter here. What we CAN do, is promote and instill democracy in the region, and hope that the Arab/Muslim community can eventually moderate the warped philosophy currently prevailing in the region. You are right about this, it will take a few generations, if it works. It isn't going to happen in 6 months, or by 2008, or on any set timetable. It will only happen if we continue to believe in the power of democracy and freedom, and continue to push for that in the region, and it will take time. One sure-fire way it won't work, is if we stick our heads in the sand and pretend there is no problem, or nothing we can do about it. It won't work by completely withdrawing into our own cocoon and isolating ourselves from the rest of the world. And it won't work if we alienate the non-radical majority of Muslims by making this a holy war, they are who we are depending on to 'change the hearts and minds' over there.
The moderate muslims you refer to are mostly non-practicing muslims. And there is a minority that does want to live in peace. As for Turkey, it is slowly giving way to islamic traditions. There parliment is becoming more hardline muslim. Lebanon is about to lose its democracy to hizballah. The pals have already voted in hamas. The islomists are using the very democracies in the area to gain control. They are NOT a small minority, and the moderates don't dare say anything for fear of execution.

We do have to give iraq the chance for democracy. But I don't think it will last long once we are out of there. And everything hinges on what happens with iran. The nut case has to be stopped and it won't be through talks. The people of iran are too terrorized to stand up to him.

Most muslims in the US are American born or have assimilated. They have a different view of things than the muslims of other countries. But islam teaches that you can only obey allahs word and no infidel laws apply. islam is a political/religion that controls the population. It's more evil and dangerous than the silly satanists, because it controls peoples minds.

Changing the islamic mind set will take more than a generation. And it will take millions of deaths. We are at war with islam, not all of islam but a good portion of it. Lets say 10%. That's 20 million. And I think that's a real low estimate.

If I'm wrong then everyone can just laugh and say how stupid I was. If I'm right, get ready for some serious shit to hit the fan.

The first sign is when a muslim community declares autonomy and that they will no longer recognize state and federal laws but only the law of allah.
Yeah, who'd have thought Christianity would get involved in wars in the Muddle East........

It shocked me....
What's really happening is that normal people are being sandwiched between two extremist factions.

Extremist Islam represented by Bin Laa Laa, Al Zawhiri etc and extremist western Christianity represented by Bush, Bolton etc.

This is religion truly showing its teeth, dogmatic, obsessive, commiting criminal acts, justified by the absolute nature of their beliefs...

Islam isn't the whole problem. Christianity isn't the whole problem. Religion is the problem....
This war isn't about converting people. This is a live by the sword, die by the sword moment.

if that is the case then we need to put the swords down....IF YOU LIVE by the sword, YOU DIE by the sword, is what the Lord says...

And what happened to fighting the guys that CAUSED 911, what the heck ever happened to fighting and capturing the guys that committed 911?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Bin Laden dead or alive? Alqaeda in Afghanistan?

What the hell are we doing in Iraq?


they are murderers of Iraqi people, people that DID NOT ATTACK US, we attacked them....bush and company are murderers in every manner...imo,

send them to prison and throw out the key, they are rotten apples and need to be tried for their crimes , war crimes.
When we unleashed shock and awe to begin this war, we dropped hundreds of 500lb bombs on a densely populated urban area. How can any Christian support such reckless slaughter?
Easy maine, they can find stuff in the old testament to support that, while ignoring what the new testament says on the issue. After all the Bible even supports slavery....
if that is the case then we need to put the swords down....IF YOU LIVE by the sword, YOU DIE by the sword, is what the Lord says...

And what happened to fighting the guys that CAUSED 911, what the heck ever happened to fighting and capturing the guys that committed 911?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Bin Laden dead or alive? Alqaeda in Afghanistan?

What the hell are we doing in Iraq?


they are murderers of Iraqi people, people that DID NOT ATTACK US, we attacked them....bush and company are murderers in every manner...imo,

send them to prison and throw out the key, they are rotten apples and need to be tried for their crimes , war crimes.

well we are in afgan killing al queda and taliban. We are fighting al queda in iraq in baghdad and surrounding areas. What gets left out of the news reports is the fighting that goes on between our troops supporting iraqi soldiers against the al queda and and other thugs in the region. THe news only tells you about the IED's and other bombs going off.

There are a lot of fierce battles going on along the border of afganistan. They are not being reported.

These battles are with the guys that attacked us on 9/11. Its a WAR. People get killed in war.

bin laden is alive and well and living in iran, in my opinion.

saddam hussien murdered from 500,000 to 1 million of his people. He ruled by fear. The number of innocent iraqi's killed by US forces is far smaller than what saddam did and was not done on purpose. Casualties to civilians for the past few years have been caused by iraqi's and al queda, not US troops.

Your are thinking of the people there in terms of how you feel about things and not as they really are. They do NOT think like you. They think in terms of tribal pride, violence against their enemies and old fueds that go back hundreds of years. Most are ignorant and illiterate. ANd they have no concept of forgiveness. islam does not teach forgiveness, only submissiveness. Submit or die. which do you plan to do?

You have tunnel vision. The only thing you see is your hatred for Bush, not the big picture that is involved beyond Bush.
If half the violence in Iraq was released to the media, the war support numbers would drop to 10% or less in a heartbeat.