How can an American patriot also be an Islamist?


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How can an American patriot also be an Islamist?

Someone posting on JPP referred to a Conservative as "Goyim."

Goyim - definition of goyim by The Free Dictionary
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usage: This term is usually used with disparaging intent, implying a mild contempt for the attitudes, traits, and customs of non-Jews. Although it may be used in a neutral, even positive way to refer to a Christian, it almost always connotes a degree of condescension.

To me this suggested that he had adopted the political viewpoints of those who refer to non-Jews as Goyim.

And the poster using the word is not (to my knowledge) known to be a Jew-friendly person.

And that made me wonder if he disqualified himself through ignorance.

He can no longer claim to be a patriot and he can not claim to be Jewish, can he?
How can an American patriot also be an Islamist?

Someone posting on JPP referred to a Conservative as "Goyim."

Goyim - definition of goyim by The Free Dictionary
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usage: This term is usually used with disparaging intent, implying a mild contempt for the attitudes, traits, and customs of non-Jews. Although it may be used in a neutral, even positive way to refer to a Christian, it almost always connotes a degree of condescension.

To me this suggested that he had adopted the political viewpoints of those who refer to non-Jews as Goyim.

And the poster using the word is not (to my knowledge) known to be a Jew-friendly person.

And that made me wonder if he disqualified himself through ignorance.

He can no longer claim to be a patriot and he can not claim to be Jewish, can he?

Are you referring to Guno?
I didn't bother to check the name.

Where did you get the Chef-Boy-RD Hat? Did they have a sale at the Goodwill?

How can an American patriot also be an Islamist?

Someone posting on JPP referred to a Conservative as "Goyim."

Goyim - definition of goyim by The Free Dictionary
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usage: This term is usually used with disparaging intent, implying a mild contempt for the attitudes, traits, and customs of non-Jews. Although it may be used in a neutral, even positive way to refer to a Christian, it almost always connotes a degree of condescension.

To me this suggested that he had adopted the political viewpoints of those who refer to non-Jews as Goyim.

And the poster using the word is not (to my knowledge) known to be a Jew-friendly person.

And that made me wonder if he disqualified himself through ignorance.

He can no longer claim to be a patriot and he can not claim to be Jewish, can he?

No Christian can be a loyal American.
No Christian can be a loyal American.

Christians have made up the largest majority of religious members to serve in the US military since the country was founded.

Delta Steve
1 decade ago
In 2002, 35% were Protestant, 22% Catholic, 11% other Christian (defined as Christian and Missionary Alliance, Church of God, Seventh Day Adventist, Assemblies of God, and other Christian religions),

There are also Muslims, Jewish, and even Wiccans. All serving their nation.

Do you know that the Koran calls for ALL Muslims to help make all heads bow to Allah?

Do you know that the Koran calls for all Muslims to help create a single global Caliphate?

The way I understand it, believers can do whatever they need to to avoid religious persecution but when the situation changes they should work toward eliminating governments with Men's laws in favor of governments with Sharia.

So, as I understand it, an Islamist must choose between serving Allah or serving Men.

But, if we look at Maj. Hassan, who served in the military until he could no longer stand the mental strain, and then he went on a deadly shooting rampage, I must ask again, but changing the words around, can an Islamist be a US patriot?
How can an American patriot also be an Islamist?

Someone posting on JPP referred to a Conservative as "Goyim."

Goyim - definition of goyim by The Free Dictionary
Search domain
usage: This term is usually used with disparaging intent, implying a mild contempt for the attitudes, traits, and customs of non-Jews. Although it may be used in a neutral, even positive way to refer to a Christian, it almost always connotes a degree of condescension.

To me this suggested that he had adopted the political viewpoints of those who refer to non-Jews as Goyim.

And the poster using the word is not (to my knowledge) known to be a Jew-friendly person.

And that made me wonder if he disqualified himself through ignorance.

He can no longer claim to be a patriot and he can not claim to be Jewish, can he?

This battle was fought when Kennedy was elected. The reds said as a Catholic, he would make laws to help the church and would take orders from the pope. This is at that level and just as wrong.
This battle was fought when Kennedy was elected. The reds said as a Catholic, he would make laws to help the church and would take orders from the pope. This is at that level and just as wrong.

Islam is sui generis.

You can't make a fitting comparison between Catholicism with Islam because there is no other religion which is also a political ideology, a justice system and a way of life, as Islam is.

Oh, and ALL Muslims are required to perform Jihad.

Toward what end goal?

Muslim Brotherhood gleeful at the prospect of a Biden presidency

Most major Muslim organizations in the U.S. are linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, which has the stated goal (according to a captured internal document) in America of “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within, and sabotaging its miserable house.” What better way to do that than by enabling a socialist internationalist who has sold his country’s interests to the highest bidder?
No just another one of you TRUMPTARDED suck-ups that can't get over the fact that BIDEN WHOOPED DONALD TRUMP'S ASS in the election and now crying here every day!

That's all!

Not crying. More like keeping the goal ever green and fresh in your mind and letting you know you won't get away with the theft of America.

And once enough patriotic Liberals realize the way you guys punk'd them, they will #Walk Away from the Left.

#WalkAway - Brandon Straka, "Why I left the Democrat Party"
How can an American patriot also be an Islamist?

Someone posting on JPP referred to a Conservative as "Goyim."

Goyim - definition of goyim by The Free Dictionary
Search domain
usage: This term is usually used with disparaging intent, implying a mild contempt for the attitudes, traits, and customs of non-Jews. Although it may be used in a neutral, even positive way to refer to a Christian, it almost always connotes a degree of condescension.

To me this suggested that he had adopted the political viewpoints of those who refer to non-Jews as Goyim.

And the poster using the word is not (to my knowledge) known to be a Jew-friendly person.

And that made me wonder if he disqualified himself through ignorance.

He can no longer claim to be a patriot and he can not claim to be Jewish, can he?

He's a fake veteran, obviously. Best to point that out whenever he quotes one of your posts.