Let's go Brandon!
Who said anything about "veterans"?
I assume you were referring to guno, the fake veteran.
Who said anything about "veterans"?
I assume you were referring to guno, the fake veteran.
I was high and I really didn't look to see who said it.
An American patriot can't be a religious zealot of any kind.
One of the few things the framers got right was not forming a theocracy.
Not crying. More like keeping the goal ever green and fresh in your mind and letting you know you won't get away with the theft of America.
And once enough patriotic Liberals realize the way you guys punk'd them, they will #Walk Away from the Left.
#WalkAway - Brandon Straka, "Why I left the Democrat Party"
I am not as near concerned about the Democrats as I am the Republicans. I have watched Trump hijack the Republican Party and wreck it over the last 5 years. In insurance terms, it's pretty much totaled out at this stage!
The Democrats can always take things too far left, I suppose, and some on the right edge of the party will bow out gracefully, but I haven't seen anything yet from Joe, Nancy, or Schumer that has anyone ready to jump ship just as of yet.
In fact, from the polls I have seen, and even the one's I've seen on FAUX NEWS as well, Biden's approval rate and the approval rate of his policies are upward into the 70's.
You do the math, but it looks like at least 25% of America's Republicans are on board with Biden for now, and until someone comes along to CHALLENGE TRUMP AND HIS FAN CLUB on the Republican side of the aisle to give them hope and confidence again, BIDEN IS ON TARGET TO BE A VERY POPULAR PRESIDENT FOR THE VOCAL AND VOTING MAJORITY!
We certainly welcome you to be a part of this historic BIDEN FOR NOW REPUBLICAN supporters who are growing stronger in numbers every day now.
When a Republican rises to the surface that is honest, a true Conservative, and offers policies that are popular with the public majority again, then I'm sure the BIDEN FOR NOW Republicans will vote Republican again- BUT FOR NOW NO ONE IS BRAVE ENOUGH TO STAND UP AND TAKE THE WHEEL!
I could tell immediately your were speaking of guno. His posts are just that consistently shallow and repetitive.
An American patriot can't be a religious zealot of any kind.
One of the few things the framers got right was not forming a theocracy.
"An American patriot can't be a religious zealot of any kind."
And how can we tell which believer is faithful to fundamental Islam?
We don't prosecute beliefs.
We prosecute the resultant anti-social behavior,
and where we don't,
we should.
How can an American patriot also be an Islamist?
He can no longer claim to be a patriot and he can not claim to be Jewish, can he?
There clearly are many patriots who are also Muslims. There is no religious test to be an American patriot, so I see no problem with that.
You say some unnamed person vaguely insulted you with mild contempt. That makes the poster slightly rude in one case, but does not mean he cannot be patriotic. You can commit horrible crimes and still keep a religion, so I hardly think that a mild insult would remove a poster's religion. I am not arguing the poster is either patriotic or Jewish. I do not even know who we are talking about. And being rude is not the best way to represent America or Judaism, but we should not go overboard with this all.