How can Christianity become so hate driven.

"And I'll be there with you"!

Oh how you of the Reich wish he had been. It might actually justify your assault on free and fair elections.

Despots who imprison opposition candidates in elections:

Idi Amin
Joseph Stalin
Adolf Hitler
Ho Chi Minh
Fidel Castro
Joe Biden

It's an elite list that Quid Pro fits so nicely on.

The Reichstag Fire on Jan. 6th was less violent than any of the Floyed Riots, the Kristallnacht by the democrat Brown Shirts.

The hyperbole and demagoguery employed about this Reichstag Fire is no different than it was the first time. The goal of the democrat party is to end the bill of rights. The insane demagoguery you spout is an attempt to outlaw free speech and any protest of the democrat Reich.

You are actively fighting to end the Constitution yet call those who are trying to defend the Republic "traitors"; that is a lot of chutzpah.

Jan 6 was an attempt to over throw the election Trump lost and to murder his VP if possible!
Oh how you of the Reich wish he had been. It might actually justify your assault on free and fair elections.

Despots who imprison opposition candidates in elections:

Idi Amin
Joseph Stalin
Adolf Hitler
Ho Chi Minh
Fidel Castro
Joe Biden

It's an elite list that Quid Pro fits so nicely on.


Trump lost! Period!
Jan 6 was an attempt to over throw the election Trump lost and to murder his VP if possible!

Right, and Jews have horns and make Matzo from the blood of gentile babies.

We've heard it all before. It's no less ugly this time around.

Extreme demagoguery to justify atrocities by your Reich.

January 6th was a protest of a highly questionable election. Americans have the constitutional right to protest guaranteed by the 1st Amendment.

As noted, democrats are waging civil war to end the 1st Amendment and the entire Constitution.
Trump lost! Period!

True or not, utterly irrelevant to your attacks on first amendment rights.

You are demanding that any protest against the democrat Reich be severely punished, up to putting those who protest to death.

Protest isn't treason, but you want to punish it as treason. Your hate filled demagoguery is dangerous.
Right, and Jews have horns and make Matzo from the blood of gentile babies.

We've heard it all before. It's no less ugly this time around.

Extreme demagoguery to justify atrocities by your Reich.

January 6th was a protest of a highly questionable election. Americans have the constitutional right to protest guaranteed by the 1st Amendment.

As noted, democrats are waging civil war to end the 1st Amendment and the entire Constitution.

Just as this Christian Nation national religion of Christiananality pedophilia where Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement always finds drugs with Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations precedent serving SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 & protecting "serve the Pope or die" more perfect union to Islam "death to the infidels" not so master race....
Just as this Christian Nation national religion of Christiananality pedophilia where Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement always finds drugs with Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations precedent serving SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 & protecting "serve the Pope or die" more perfect union to Islam "death to the infidels" not so master race....

Fuck off Dutch - Douche Duck.
Right, and Jews have horns and make Matzo from the blood of gentile babies.

We've heard it all before. It's no less ugly this time around.

Extreme demagoguery to justify atrocities by your Reich.

January 6th was a protest of a highly questionable election. Americans have the constitutional right to protest guaranteed by the 1st Amendment.

As noted, democrats are waging civil war to end the 1st Amendment and the entire Constitution.

There was nothing questionable about the election, outside of Trump's ego couldn't handle losing!
So he lied to dumb fucks like yourself who swallowed his lies,like a load of his jizz!
True or not, utterly irrelevant to your attacks on first amendment rights.

You are demanding that any protest against the democrat Reich be severely punished, up to putting those who protest to death.

Protest isn't treason, but you want to punish it as treason. Your hate filled demagoguery is dangerous.

Invasion of the US Capital isn't a protest,it's treason!

Dictators are neither left nor right,
Tinkerpeach, you are mistaken. Dictators are left wing. The dead giveaway is that they don't much go for that representational republic stuff and they HATE those "individual freedoms" that represent limits on their power to oppress. This is why all dictators have been left wing.

they are in their own classification.
You are free to classify anything any way you wish if it helps you negotiate this chaotic world. The question, however, is where dictators reside on the left-right spectrum, and that would be on the left.

Surprising you chastise others for not knowing something when apparently you don't either.
I can't possibly be expected to know any crap that you pull out of your nose. No one is required to adhere to your misunderstandings.

However, if you can think of a dictator who was not merely claimed to be right-wing, but who actually did not adhere to the principles laid out in the Communist Manifesto, and who worked to wrest power from the government to hand over to the people, I would enjoy that conversation very much.

I am posting the Communist Manifesto here for your convenience and for your reading pleasure.


German? You do know your pal Adolf wasn't German!
Your main men Adolph and Arnold hail from Austria ... but Hitler definitely naturalized and became German. He did all his speaking in Deutsch as well.

Why are you so desperate for a replacement for Adolph?


why do lib'ruls have this compulsion to change the meaning of words......"unborn child" "marriage" "woman" "illegal" even "atheist"
I didn't know you were a lib'rul. The correct term is "hijack." People like you invest a great deal of political equity into hijacking certain words in a silly attempt to control what your opponents can express. In your case, you were gullible and fell for the Marxist ruse that atheists claim affirmatively that there are no gods. You, being totally uneducated, fell for it hook, line and sinker. You didn't know enough to call boooolsch't, so you didn't and instead you simply OBEYED what others of a competing religion directed you to believe.

I came along and foolishly tried to show you how you could easily verify what the words actually mean. That was certainly stupid of me to try to help you. There is no helping you. You aren't able to learn. I won't make that mistake again.

How does it feel to be a tool for the lib'ruls? I will never let that happen to me.

......I think it must be guilt.....they realize how stupid what they say looks so they pretend what they say means something else......
Obviously, with your first-hand experience, you can explain to the rest of us why you do it. I know that I'd be interested in learning your motivations. I can see why you would feel stupid pretending to contradict me on my position, especially when you are as logically inept as you are with no hope for improvement. The floor is yours.

Invasion of the US Capital isn't a protest,it's treason!

Unless the invasion is by Reich members, then it's pure and good.

Nazi Piglousy said "this is the peoples house."

{[FONT=&quot]Hundreds of young protesters stormed Capitol Hill on Monday, taking over the offices of three House Democratic leaders to call for an immediate climate change plan.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]The activists with the Sunrise Movement, a group that’s pushing House Democrats to create a special committee next year focused entirely on climate change initiatives, engaged in three sit-ins inside the offices of the likely next Speaker, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif), as well as incoming Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.), who is in line to chair the House Rules Committee.}

I mean, it's only wrong if enemies of the Reich protest democrats.

{In the hallway outside the Dirksen Senate Office Building hearing room, protesters sat and arranged themselves on the floor. “November is coming!” they chanted, as Capitol Police stood nearby with plastic handcuffs, ready to arrest them. Other protests could be heard taking place on the floors below.}
Outrage from Democrats and protesters on Capitol Hill amid GOP sprint to confirm Kavanaugh (

One nation, two very, VERY different standards of laws.


We can't have the same laws applied to Jews - oops, I mean REPUBLICANS as are applied to Reich members. Rights are not meant for enemies of the party. Uber Alles democrat.


Your main men Adolph and Arnold hail from Austria ... but Hitler definitely naturalized and became German. He did all his speaking in Deutsch as well.

Why are you so desperate for a replacement for Adolph?

German is the language of Austria. Has been for as long as anyone can remember. There is no native language in Austria other than German.

Österreich war schon immer deutsch. Sie war der erste deutsche Staat.
Fuck off Dutch - Douche Duck.

With SCOTUS Rehnquist's under color of law Fourth Reich July 9/11 baptize thine eyes by urinations national religion master race of Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement maintains their thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights as suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming patriot act of "man is God" Christiananality pedophilia as "one nation under God with equal justice under law".....but then again what else other than dancing on Eisenhower's grave would be so legally insulting ?
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German is the language of Austria. Has been for as long as anyone can remember. There is no native language in Austria other than German.
Thank you, but I am aware of this. Perhaps I should have included a facetious emoji ... but I was trying to be funny (" ... by the way, Hitler did all his public speaking in Deutsch"). So I messed up on the delivery, but I tried.

Nonetheless, thank you for chiming in.

I didn't know you were a lib'rul. The correct term is "hijack." People like you invest a great deal of political equity into hijacking certain words in a silly attempt to control what your opponents can express. In your case, you were gullible and fell for the Marxist ruse that atheists claim affirmatively that there are no gods. You, being totally uneducated, fell for it hook, line and sinker. You didn't know enough to call boooolsch't, so you didn't and instead you simply OBEYED what others of a competing religion directed you to believe.

I came along and foolishly tried to show you how you could easily verify what the words actually mean. That was certainly stupid of me to try to help you. There is no helping you. You aren't able to learn. I won't make that mistake again.

How does it feel to be a tool for the lib'ruls? I will never let that happen to me.

Obviously, with your first-hand experience, you can explain to the rest of us why you do it. I know that I'd be interested in learning your motivations. I can see why you would feel stupid pretending to contradict me on my position, especially when you are as logically inept as you are with no hope for improvement. The floor is yours.


..../'re the one who can't even keep track of what he believes....though it does appear you've been taking lessons from your fellow demmycrat, the Dutch Dickhead.......
If trans, gays and women who had abortions were sitting on one side of a church and MAGA Christians were sitting on the other side of the church. Who do you think Jesus would sit with and choose to talk to. I know the answer to this, but no MAGA will admit it. The bible means less and less to me as time goes on, ,If Jesus didn't say it or do it. IT is not Christian. The Old Testament is ugly, cruel, violent, ridiculous and as time goes by less and less of it speaks to me.

I didnt know Jesus needed a spokesman. I bet you also don't see even a hint of irony in your post do you?
I didnt know Jesus needed a spokesman. I bet you also don't see even a hint of irony in your post do you?

Seems Christiananality pedophilia still needs Islamidiotocracy spokesmen's "death to the infidels" for a more perfect union irony in SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 interpretation of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" decades later....