How can I get invested in this emerging market...?

With 58% of the public supporting it, it might as well be a done deal. That number is only going to go higher.
With 58% of the public supporting it, it might as well be a done deal. That number is only going to go higher.

Its amazing how many issues that I have long been in the minority regarding have shifted in the last couple years. Tipping point, FINALLY.
Billions in taxes will convince the lagging congress.
Gambling which is way worse, is much more wide spread than 20 years ago.
Social conservatives are going the way of the BCS.

Answer the question.

What chance does the Democrat minority in the House have of legalizing marijuana?

Very little as of today, but at the rate public opinion is changing its highly likely in a few years.

Now answer my question, do you believe Marijuana should be legal?
What do you mean, I don't know too much about Bitcoin, but did the currency fall apart or something?

The revived online black market Silk Road says hackers took advantage of an ongoing Bitcoin glitch to steal $2.7 million from its customers.

The underground website's anonymous administrator told users that attackers had made off with all of the funds it held in escrow.

Bitcoins are the only kind of currency accepted on the site, because they are traded electronically and are difficult to trace to individuals.

But Bitcoin accounts also lack protections that most bank accounts have, including government-backed insurance.

That means the bitcoins stolen from the Silk Road users are gone forever.
Its possible, but HIGHLY unlikely. I know plenty of federal prosecutors who feel such prosecution is way beneath them.

They also prosecute a very slim number of federal gun charges, but that doesn't slow up the Democrats' lawmaking steam a bit. Does it?