How CNN helps Trump


It's OK to Be White
I've always said that CNN is biased, but not biased in the same way Fox is. Fox has a strong far-right bias, but CNN has a bias towards sensationalism. CNN doesn't care about promoting ideas like Fox does, all they care about is cheap shocks and ratings.

This video shows how CNN's coverage of Trump has helped Trump become president. When Trump made a ridiculous claim, CNN should have pointed out there was no evidence, called him a liar, and then dropped the story. Instead, they actually had people on to talk about it, thus giving the claim credit, even if there was still no evidence. Even after Trump became president, they continued doing it by having an actual debate over Trump's lie about Obama spying on him. CNN does this because they know shocking stories like this get ratings. People can't believe a politician would behave like this, so they watch the coverage.

I've always said that CNN is biased, but not biased in the same way Fox is. Fox has a strong far-right bias, but CNN has a bias towards sensationalism. CNN doesn't care about promoting ideas like Fox does, all they care about is cheap shocks and ratings.

SBS, you run the risk of looking like a fcktard when you deny CNN has a lefty bias. And, that video itself is bullsht, fcktard.

CNN reports everything the comedians report, just that CNN follows up with discussion. The fcktards at VOX are obviously too stupid to understand the need to fill air time.

Fcktard, it's not comedy when you're just bashing Trump for applause rather than laughs.
CNN is pretty close to center. It is just rightys are so far out in right field that is distorts their vision.
SBS, you run the risk of looking like a fcktard when you deny CNN has a lefty bias. And, that video itself is bullsht, fcktard.

CNN reports everything the comedians report, just that CNN follows up with discussion. The fcktards at VOX are obviously too stupid to understand the need to fill air time.

Fcktard, it's not comedy when you're just bashing Trump for applause rather than laughs.

If CNN had a lefty bias, they'd be backing Bernie, instead of Biden.

CNN follows up with discussions that they think will get them trainwreck TV ratings. Yes, they need to fill air time, which VOX mentions, but they don't need to have follow-up discussions with every story. They choose which stories to have discussions over. Now if CNN was a responsible network, they wouldn't have discussions about Trump's conspiracy theories, because that gives them legitimacy. But because CNN is shock news, they do any way.

The comedy actually is funny, especially Seth Myers, but that's besides the point. The comedians understand that someone like Trump should be mocked, not debated with or over.
This OP is hilarious. "Foxsnooze" owns the market on sensationalism. Even Fox Corp calls their shows "Entertainment".
CNN and MSNBC made Trump president by covering his stupid, clownish rallies from beginning to end. They gave him millions of dollars of free publicity. Now they are doing it again. And rightys are crying because of insufficient obsequiousness. When Trump says it, it is the gospel. To rightys everything he says is incredible, the most incredible knowledge of any president ever in the history of America. Probably you can add in the Ancient Greeks. There has never been such and incredible leader, saying incredible things and making incredible points.
CNN and MSNBC made Trump president by covering his stupid, clownish rallies from beginning to end. They gave him millions of dollars of free publicity. Now they are doing it again. And rightys are crying because of insufficient obsequiousness. When Trump says it, it is the gospel. To rightys everything he says is incredible, the most incredible knowledge of any president ever in the history of America. Probably you can add in the Ancient Greeks. There has never been such and incredible leader, saying incredible things and making incredible points.

Elle Oh Elle, the OP is a socialist. How do you not comprehend the argument he’s making based on what you just wrote?
This OP is hilarious. "Foxsnooze" owns the market on sensationalism. Even Fox Corp calls their shows "Entertainment".

Fox is sensationalist too, but their political bias is so much bigger, that they usually ignore stories that make Trump look bad, even if they can also be sensationalized.
I'd compare it to how CNN has the opposite. They also have a political bias for the Center, but their bias towards sensationalism is way bigger.
Fox is sensationalist too, but their political bias is so much bigger, that they usually ignore stories that make Trump look bad, even if they can also be sensationalized.
I'd compare it to how CNN has the opposite. They also have a political bias for the Center, but their bias towards sensationalism is way bigger.

Admittedly I don't watch the three cable news channels. It's mind numbing to me but that's neither here nor there. The lounge in my building at work has CNN on everyday and all I see is (anti) Trump 24/7. They talk about nothing else but Trump. And I read an interview a few years back where the CEO of CNN said being in the middle does not get ratings. CNN is not a 'middle' channel.
I've always said that CNN is biased, but not biased in the same way Fox is. Fox has a strong far-right bias, but CNN has a bias towards sensationalism. CNN doesn't care about promoting ideas like Fox does, all they care about is cheap shocks and ratings.

This video shows how CNN's coverage of Trump has helped Trump become president. When Trump made a ridiculous claim, CNN should have pointed out there was no evidence, called him a liar, and then dropped the story. Instead, they actually had people on to talk about it, thus giving the claim credit, even if there was still no evidence. Even after Trump became president, they continued doing it by having an actual debate over Trump's lie about Obama spying on him. CNN does this because they know shocking stories like this get ratings. People can't believe a politician would behave like this, so they watch the coverage.

Common measure with all the infotainment channels, introduce a thought, real or not, have a panel discuss it, planting the inneundo, and then move on, the only difference is, as your post shows, Trump, being a reality TV guy, knows how to play the system

During the primary in 2016 he soaked up all the air time, largely by making outlandish statements, i.e., Cruz's father was associated with Oswald, or, muddling any issue with his "alternative facts," which they all discussed given Trump more air time than he deserved
Admittedly I don't watch the three cable news channels. It's mind numbing to me but that's neither here nor there. The lounge in my building at work has CNN on everyday and all I see is (anti) Trump 24/7. They talk about nothing else but Trump. And I read an interview a few years back where the CEO of CNN said being in the middle does not get ratings. CNN is not a 'middle' channel.

Trump wants to be on 24/7, he strives to make everything about him, soak up all the airtime he can get, his goal is to muddle as much as he can, deflect it is part of his schtick
Admittedly I don't watch the three cable news channels. It's mind numbing to me but that's neither here nor there. The lounge in my building at work has CNN on everyday and all I see is (anti) Trump 24/7. They talk about nothing else but Trump. And I read an interview a few years back where the CEO of CNN said being in the middle does not get ratings. CNN is not a 'middle' channel.

Yes, they talk about Trump constantly because he's a larger-than-life character that constantly says outrageous things. CNN talks about him all in order to get trainwreck ratings. If they were truly Anti-Trump, they would bury him the same way they bury Bernie. But instead, because they care about sensationalism and shock TV more than politics, they have these ridiculous hour-long debates about if Obama spied on Trump.
And as for not being in the Center, I'm going to assume the CEO was telling the truth, but context matters. What he likely meant was that not taking a side between Democrats and Republicans does not get ratings. CNN is very much for the Democrats. However, the Democrats are a Centrist party. And when a true Leftist like Bernie comes along, they bury him. They only talk about him when they have to, they only have people on to say negative things about him, and then they ignore him. This is completely different compared to how they talk about Trump.
Common measure with all the infotainment channels, introduce a thought, real or not, have a panel discuss it, planting the inneundo, and then move on, the only difference is, as your post shows, Trump, being a reality TV guy, knows how to play the system

During the primary in 2016 he soaked up all the air time, largely by making outlandish statements, i.e., Cruz's father was associated with Oswald, or, muddling any issue with his "alternative facts," which they all discussed given Trump more air time than he deserved

I don't know if Trump was knowingly playing the system. I know a common theory is that Trump is pretending to be stupid, but if you look at his history, he's always been really stupid.

As for this being common among all of the infotainment channels, it happens on Fox too, but with Fox the focus is on getting out ideas. Which is why they will ignore sensationalist stories if it hurts the Far Right. This is why so many people who only watch Fox don't even know that Trump has been accused of sexual assault by hundreds of women.
I've always said that CNN is biased, but not biased in the same way Fox is. Fox has a strong far-right bias...
Sad, isn't it? Thanks for admitting Fox is biased. Yes, CNN is biased too. Why do you think Fox News and CNN are biased? Why do you think Trump only attacks CNN but gives virtual handjobs to Fox?
Sad, isn't it? Thanks for admitting Fox is biased. Yes, CNN is biased too. Why do you think Fox News and CNN are biased? Why do you think Trump only attacks CNN but gives virtual handjobs to Fox?

Trump loves Fox because Fox has become State TV for him. Every propagandist on Fox is a hardcore Trumpcuck.
As for why Fox and CNN are biased, it's simply Capitalism. They both want to make as much money as possible, they just go about it differently. Fox promotes policies that make the rich even richer. CNN creates trainwreck TV that gets them ratings.