How CNN helps Trump

CNN and MSNBC made Trump president by covering his stupid, clownish rallies from beginning to end. They gave him millions of dollars of free publicity. Now they are doing it again. And rightys are crying because of insufficient obsequiousness. When Trump says it, it is the gospel. To rightys everything he says is incredible, the most incredible knowledge of any president ever in the history of America. Probably you can add in the Ancient Greeks. There has never been such and incredible leader, saying incredible things and making incredible points.

There is a lot of truth in your post. Trump realized that the more outrageous he became, the more coverage he got. He is a master publicity hound.
Trump wants to be on 24/7, he strives to make everything about him, soak up all the airtime he can get, his goal is to muddle as much as he can, deflect it is part of his schtick

If CNN and MSNBC stopped covering tRump, he would be crying like a little baby. He loves CNN and MSNBC.
If CNN had a lefty bias, they'd be backing Bernie, instead of Biden.

CNN follows up with discussions that they think will get them trainwreck TV ratings. Yes, they need to fill air time, which VOX mentions, but they don't need to have follow-up discussions with every story. They choose which stories to have discussions over. Now if CNN was a responsible network, they wouldn't have discussions about Trump's conspiracy theories, because that gives them legitimacy. But because CNN is shock news, they do any way.

The comedy actually is funny, especially Seth Myers, but that's besides the point. The comedians understand that someone like Trump should be mocked, not debated with or over.
I agree. They were the first 24 hour news show that made its hay during Desert Storm. Since then, they've been fighting to remain relevant. Sensationalism sells.

At least they dumped Dobbs.