How Democratically controlled cities become third world shit holes.

I've been all over the world dipshit. I have lived in more cities than you will in your pathetic, addled filled lifetime. Be less of a mentally disturbed assclown. :palm:

No, fuck you, you mentally disturbed assclown. :palm:

What city would that be, you mentally disturbed assclown? November is going to be harsh on you. Better make your advance appointment with your mental health expert. They're going to be very busy after November. ;)

His alleged city has to be Boston.

I have a friend that's a blue-blood from there. You know how the Patriots logo looks?

That's accurate. They are pitbull of a human beings and smart. A lot of them helped make this country what it is.

Shifty Shitlick is not of the blue-blooded Bostonian bloodline. He's some kind of weirdo living in their city. I guess he's Italian? Italian and a queer democrat. Quite an odd combination.

I guarantee he's not in with the good ol' boys at the Country Club there.
they don't care, they call a spade a club anyway ... then they lean towards you beating them with a club makes you racist

According to these idiots, I am very racist:

I wear Hawaiian shirts. That makes me 'racist'.
I own a tractor. That makes me 'racist'.
I own several guns. That makes me 'racist'.
I own my own company and it makes a nice profit. That makes me 'racist'.
I'm a conservative that supports the Constitution of the United States. That makes me 'racist'.
I stand against BLM and Antifa fucks that want to burn, loot, vandalize, and assault. That makes me 'racist'.
I support Trump. That makes me 'racist'.

These idiots don't even know what 'racism' means.
So called professional sports has become a mockery due to leftist retardation. Schools, oh right pride yourself on forcing factually exposed lies upon innocent little children and young adults fuckin retard.

It isn't that complicated, DJS.
We don't wish to live the same way way.
We shouldn't be sharing the same government, or having a say in each others laws and tax codes..

It's not a right or wrong thing. It's an us and them thing. It's the way humanity evolved--tribalized.
Only a fool would think he could change it.
what killed cities are assholes catering to lobbyist dictatorship of which lobbyists for them most part are globalist crime organization lap dogs as well being blackmailed etc.

yeah, that is what it is. Your small-minded hartred is making a fool out of you. You are a real bigly conspiracy nut.
It isn't that complicated, DJS.
We don't wish to live the same way way.
We shouldn't be sharing the same government, or having a say in each others laws and tax codes..

It's not a right or wrong thing. It's an us and them thing. It's the way humanity evolved--tribalized.
Only a fool would think he could change it.


