I see that you are not willing to be honest, we can pause this conversation until you are ready to be honest.
I'm always honest.
And honestly, you are obtuse.
I see that you are not willing to be honest, we can pause this conversation until you are ready to be honest.
I'm always honest.
And honestly, you are obtuse.
I see that you are not willing to be honest, we can pause this conversation until you are ready to be honest.
George Soros claims to be a Jew - and is unquestionably a Nazi - admitting - even bragging that he served Hitler in WWII.
And while you lack the intelligence to construct a basic syllogism, you Nazis DO call black people "white supremacists."
Larry Elder in California for example.
The FUNNIEST was this;
Douche Duck said:I suck cocks because I'm too stupid to do anything else to make a buck.
Stupid goyim
George Soros Is a Holocaust Survivor, not a Nazi
How did George Soros become targeted by the right— blamed for the world’s ills and even accused of being a Nazi? Moment editor-in-chief Nadine Epstein in conversation with Bard College president Leon Botstein, a contributor to the new book George Soros: A Life in Full and former University of Hartford president Humphrey Tonkin, translator of Soros’ father’s memoir, Masquerade: The Incredible True Story of How George Soros’ Father Outsmarted the Gestapo, will discuss the false claims and antisemitism surrounding Soros as well as efforts to support democracy throughout the world.
Holocaust Comparisons, Soros Conspiracies Dominate U.S. Republican Messaging
Republican officials and candidates in multiple states have recently used messaging that Jewish groups view as reflecting antisemitism, including comparing the FBI to the Gestapo following the Mar-a-Lago raid
Holocaust Comparisons, Soros Conspiracies Dominate U.S. Republican Messaging
Republican officials and candidates in multiple states have recently used messaging that Jewish groups view as reflecting antisemitism, including comparing the FBI to the Gestapo following the Mar-a-Lago raid
For two years, you Nazi fucks had your Brown Shirts out on Kristallnacht.
Despite the lies of you Nazi filth - there has been ONE insurrection in America in the last 50 years. Only ONE time did armed troops invade an American city, declare it independent from America, then hold it by force of arms for 10 days.
Your Brown Shirts killed 8 people and raped 19 others - but that's okay - no one was prosecuted. Of the few that were arrested, Kamaltoe Harris bailed them out so they could resume burning, looting, murdering, and raping.
But you filth have the NERVE to call the J6 Reichstag Fire an "insurrection." You scum have waged civil war against the United States for YEARS.
You are Nazis - it cannot be denied.
Your hatred of Emmanuel Goldstein only underscores the fact that you are the 4th Reich. You have burned and terrorized America from coast to coast, you perverted our elections, and you're complicit in a biological attack that killed over 1 million Americans.
For two years, you Nazi fucks had your Brown Shirts out on Kristallnacht.
Despite the lies of you Nazi filth - there has been ONE insurrection in America in the last 50 years. Only ONE time did armed troops invade an American city, declare it independent from America, then hold it by force of arms for 10 days.
Your Brown Shirts killed 8 people and raped 19 others - but that's okay - no one was prosecuted. Of the few that were arrested, Kamaltoe Harris bailed them out so they could resume burning, looting, murdering, and raping.
But you filth have the NERVE to call the J6 Reichstag Fire an "insurrection." You scum have waged civil war against the United States for YEARS.
You are Nazis - it cannot be denied.
Your hatred of Emmanuel Goldstein only underscores the fact that you are the 4th Reich. You have burned and terrorized America from coast to coast, you perverted our elections, and you're complicit in a biological attack that killed over 1 million Americans.
Stupid Hamas scum.
George Soros is a Nazi COLLABORATOR - turning Jews into the SS to save himself and make buck.
You are an Al Qaeda liar.
You have some Trump cum in the corner of your mouth from last night
Nah, you're looking in the mirror and seeing the Hitler cum from your own mouth.
It amazes me how much your fear Emmanuel Goldstein.
I didn't even vote for him in 2016 - but the reaction of you who hate America, hate civil rights - hate life itself, convinced me that what evil fears is good for the nation.
Lame attempt of a cum back
...let you suck my cock for a quarter..
And they say you Chinese are supposed to be smart,
But don't worry, cocksucker, I have no intention of ever going to China.
You are a pathological little cocksucker
Awww, look at the lying little fuck. You suck cocks because no woman would every have anything to do with a pathetic loser like you.
No future, no worth to anyone, no hope, and no honor. An America hating Chinese troll, vomiting out your hatred for my country, lying about my wife, far too fucking stupid to get a clue. A pathetic little worm who spends his time sucking cocks, hoping to earn enough for a bottle of Ripple, so you can silence the voices in your head....
Oh look, it's the filthy little cocksucker.
The pile of vomit is going to lie about my wife again and violate 12B by attacking family.
Of course if the filthy little cocksucker weren't such an America hating pile of shit and had a hint of honor, he'd off himself. BUT you're far too much of a cowards.
So be content to live in the gutter and be despised by everyone who meets you.
Fuck off now, CCP cunt.
Underscore loves to talk about American men sucking his dingo-dick. LOL
It's weird but I don't understand foreigners as well as Americans. Plus he seems to have a lot of anger and domestic abuse issues.
^^^Douche Duck, the Chinese troll, loves to suck cocks.
And it's the only way a worthless sack of shit like him can make money.
If the stolen valor pool of vomit had any class, he'd off himself.
But he's an America hating coward.
Holocaust Comparisons, Soros Conspiracies Dominate U.S. Republican Messaging
Republican officials and candidates in multiple states have recently used messaging that Jewish groups view as reflecting antisemitism, including comparing the FBI to the Gestapo following the Mar-a-Lago raid