OK. Lets take a look at what you have to say.
African Americans are three times as likely as whites to fall below the poverty level and hence to have a chance of qualifying for welfare benefits.
I will just assume that your figures are correct. Why is that? Well, one of the reasons are the Democrat policies that have been forced on Black Americans. Why is it that there is such a large rate of high school dropouts? Who has been in charge of the education system for the last 50 years? It has been the Democrat Party. When you look at the terrible conditions of the inner city schools, that is who you need to thank. They made it that way. They let it happen. They made Black Americans dependent on their good nature.
The Democrat Party has not been a friend to them. The Democrat Party has made a large group of Americans very dependent on the government.
"government figures show that Whites not Blacks make up the bulk of clients on these public aid programs"
The title of this thread is
"How Democrats harm blacks" so the emphasis was on that view. There are many more whites that are hooked on welfare benefits. I do not dispute this fact. You can label the benefits with whatever name you choose, but, in many cases, they are still money given with no hope of removing the person from the impoverished situation. In many cases, and these are the cases I am talking about, these benefits only mire the recipient in a situation that is easier to live with than to escape from. And this is what the Democrats want. A dependent population.
"Did you know that the biggest recipients of affirrmative action has been white women .. they didn't tell you that?"
Again, that is not the subject of the thread. The title
"How Democrats harm blacks" has nothing to do with white women. I do not know why you would bring try and confuse the issue. The Democrat Party has not been a true friend to the Black family. While it seems they have with their free handouts, in life, there is really nothing free.
Here is the link.
Absolutely astounding.
You repeat all this crap about democrats bad for blacks that belies logic and common sense.
1. I bring up with white women, drug use, and affirmative action because if you believe the crap you've posted, then surely you believe these other false "urban myths" designed to perpetuate ignorance.
2. You keep talking about what black people think .. are you black, and if not, from whence does such power to think for people you don't know come from.
3. The Republican Party hasn't been good for white people .. so why are you a republican?
4. I continue to repeat, blacks have only been relatively free for 42 years out of nearly 400 years of existence in America. Does it not make sense to you that there would be tremendous residual effects on the quality of life for a people who've suffered almost 400 years of ungodly terrorism? Would it make sense to you that such a people, any people, would be resistent to assimilation?
5. You post this stuff in the middle of a complete meltdown of the Republican Party and on the heels of it being the cause of the greatest blunder in American history and on the heels of yet another republican recession. Look around you and tell me how wonderful republicans have been to
WHITE PEOPLE .. then tell me again about "how bad democrats are." You're talking about a failing political party that promotes a failed ideology that hasn't been good for anybody.
6. Surely you're more grown up then what you exhibit in this thread. There are thousands of elected black democrats serving the interests of their constituency just like everybody else. How many elected black republicans are there? Rice and Powell were appointed.
In case you haven't noticed, the next POTUS is going to be a black democrat .. something completely impossible as a republican.
7. You not only ignore the facts, but history as well. Have you ever heard of Nixon's southern strategy? I mentioned it previously in my post. What black person this side of a lobotomy would identify with a political party that openly courts racists?
8. What you're parroting here is nonsense designed for non-thinking people who act on emotion, not intellect. Try doing the intellectual thing and demonstrate how much more wonderful life for blacks would be if only we were republicans.
Are there problems within the black communtiy?
Absolutely, just as there are problems within your own community .. whatever community that is. But every problem is not related to what political party one supports. To suggest that would be stupid, would it not?
Oh yeah .. and as was clearly obvious, your "information" comes from a right-wing website.
What a surprise.