How Democrats Steal Elections

This is a joke right?Republicans cheat every way possible,than make up bullshit,about how Democrats cheat!
Like go to the car changes clothes vote again.
Dumb fucks like you eat it for breakfast!

Sadly the only joke is the dirty democrat party, sleeziest organization on the planet
Democrats have been trying to steal elections for decades

It's not Democrats who just tried to steal the Congressional seat in North Carolina by perpetrating election fraud at the direction of the Republican candidate.
Only moron democrats in guess where ? Broward County florida couldnt push a chad, the rest of the state had no problem only the liberal dimwits in dirty broward county.

You know, Conservatives have controlled Florida's elections since 2000 and haven't done anything to make them run smoother.

So since Conservatives can't manage to make elections run smooth in 18 years, what the fuck makes you think they can effectively govern?