Verified User
Yep. You have no personal numbers. Just as I've been saying all along. Thanks for admitting your ignorance. That's a big step for willfully ignorant cretins of your magnitude.
But friend, I’m not admitting ignorance, that’s simply your misguided opinion. I don’t need any numbers because I’m not denying anybody else’s numbers. I’m simply questioning the accuracy of those numbers and asking for some brilliant leftist to explain how and why those numbers can be accurate and asking the question that you or anybody else cannot answer rationally or civilly. How are unknown and undetected numbers counted?????
Here's a big hint, ignorant fucktard.
I thank you again child for your never ending willingness to prove your juvenile mental capacity and the fact that your mother never bothered to wash your nasty childish mouth out with soap!!!
The data posted IS NOT Dem data, idiot.
Who said it was???
It's CBP data. How many times does that have to be explained to you?
You'll get civility, asswipe, the very minute you stop posting lies and bullshit. Not a second sooner.
I get civility regularly Junior!!! I get it from civil intellectually mature adults!!!!! I’ll never expect the same from you child. Actually communicating with you is a HOOT!!! It’s my favorite part of the day watching an immature leftist child prove his mental deficiencies and evil mind and exposing all that to the internet!!!