How do women handle being inferior to men?

Women's brains are 1/3 the size of a humans. Hey, IT'S SCIENCE!

we're all inferior to you, WM.....and it doesn't slow us down a fact, we don't even notice.....the question is, how do you manage being superior to us all and being ignored? must be frustrating.......:pke:
Watermark gets the poopstain on humanity award this week, breaking a streak of 11 weaks in a row Southerncoward won consecutively.
They handle it by making men do almost anything to spend time with them.

They make us jump thru hoops and play their game in the hopes there is a payoff eventually.

We pay for the dates, pick them up, let them pick the movie, open the door for them, and more. Without actually asking if we will get lucky. Because we know that asking up front will mean the answer is no.

Yeah, men are superior. :rofl:
It's called a vagina...and we know how to use it. We wouldn't be able to be so superior in our inferiority if men used their big head with all the brains instead of that little one.
Obviously you blokes can't handle strong women. Here's another who couldn't:

Fort Hood, Texas (CNN) -- The police officer who ended the Fort Hood massacre by shooting the suspect is known as the enforcer on her street, a "tough woman" who patrolled her neighborhood and once stopped burglars at her house.

"If you come in, I'm going to shoot," Kimberly Munley told the would-be intruders last year.

It was Munley who arrived quickly Thursday at the scene of the worst massacre at an Army base in U.S. history, where 13 people were killed. She confronted the alleged gunman, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, and shot him four times. Munley was wounded in the exchange.
It's called a vagina...and we know how to use it. We wouldn't be able to be so superior in our inferiority if men used their big head with all the brains instead of that little one.

Then again, some of us actually use our brains.
You use your brain and your sense of humor (without fart jokes) and anyone wonders why some men feel inferior?
Hmmmm pardon the vulgarity Thorn but I have a question to ask you guys. If women are so inferior how comes they have half the money and all the pussy?
Hmmmm pardon the vulgarity Thorn but I have a question to ask you guys. If women are so inferior how comes they have half the money and all the pussy?

I thought I read somewhere that we control the lion's share of the money? Perhaps that's just disposable income. :D

Anyway it was Water who suggested that we were inferior, not I!