How do women handle being inferior to men?

I thought I read somewhere that we control the lion's share of the money? Perhaps that's just disposable income. :D

Anyway it was Water who suggested that we were inferior, not I!

I think that is a given. We soend large amounts of our money to impress/woe/chase you, and you spend it on........well whatever you want to spend it on.
There is a very simple test to determine which humans are going to be the smartest and you can perorm it at the birth of your children.

When the doctor goes to cut the umbilical cord. Look below the cord. The ones with the penises are the smartest ones!
I thought I read somewhere that we control the lion's share of the money? Perhaps that's just disposable income. :D

Anyway it was Water who suggested that we were inferior, not I!
He's obviously never studied human biology or behavior. Watermark will learn the said truth some day, that is, there are some decisions in life that are just way to important to allow men to make them.
Phllllbbbbttt.. You guys are more ego then brains. #1, women are not only smarter then men they are #2, tougher (you try passing a 7 lb bowling ball or bleeding for 3 days with out dying) and #3 they live longer (which correlates to #1 and #2).

If ya'll want my advise and want to be happy with a woman ya'll need to learn to say "I love you honey" and "You're beautiful" at least once a day, as well as, "Yes Dear". Then keep your mouth shut. It gives them the impression that your smarter then you actually are. Don't ruin the illusion by speaking!!
Phllllbbbbttt.. You guys are more ego then brains. #1, women are not only smarter then men they are #2, tougher (you try passing a 7 lb bowling ball or bleeding for 3 days with out dying) and #3 they live longer (which correlates to #1 and #2).

If ya'll want my advise and want to be happy with a woman ya'll need to learn to say "I love you honey" and "You're beautiful" at least once a day, as well as, "Yes Dear". Then keep your mouth shut. It gives them the impression that your smarter then you actually are. Don't ruin the illusion by speaking!!

Ahahahaha! Now see, there are smart men out there! :p