How about we recognize that the people who live in the communities on both sides of a border really all want the same thing. They just want to be able to live and have a nice life, have a family. Ya know?
All of this hatred is whipped up by leaders who need a reason to win elections. All too often, that reason is they get rich.
It is absurd to try to build a wall on the border which contains rivers, mountains and desert.
Especially when there are more ways to enter a country besides walking. Such as tunneling. And boats. And flying. How about coming in on a visa and simply overstaying?
The best way to approach the issue is to try to resolve the reasons motivating people to try to emigrate.
If gangs are running them out of central America, then do something to deal with the gangs. Otherwise, the immigrants are going to just keep on coming no matter what, wall or no wall.