How do you deal with your idiot Trump hating relatives over the holidays?

Trump is like Brexit over here - the thickoes voted for him and can't bear democratic discussion from their betters. The Brexiteers scream like stuck pigs if anyone dares to contradict 'ze Vill of ze Peepul', having gone all out for European anti-democratic bullshit, though all the signs are that they are now in a smaller and smaller minority. What we all have to do is claim back our right to speak!

You have no "right to speak" on this privately-owned forum, Welshman. You are perhaps permitted to participate at the prerogative of each poster.
I need some ideas. So, help me out here.

You do need help, sweetheart...because only a willful idiot would turn a blind eye to Trump-icana's documented history of anti-labor antics, hypocrisy regarding US trade policy, racist statements, misogynistic statements, numerous lawsuits regarding his business dealings and personal conduct, several bankruptcies and the sheer number of documented public lies and flip-flops.

But do go ahead and pretend it's everyone else, and not YOU. :palm: