How do you determine who is illegal?

You keep the figure at 100% ... of people who claim that a family member died of COVID but who refuse to show a death certificate showing COVID was the cause of death ... because nobody died of COVID.
Did you know Cancer almost never the "cause of death"?
There are lawyers taking money from illegals with the promise to make them legal, and then doing nothing. Lots of them.
Those are almost always cases of miscommunication.

Most immigrants come from countries where a lawyer is a lawyer is a lawyer. In the United States, lawyers must specialize. Immigrants arriving at the US look for a "lawyer" and don't realize that they need an immigration lawyer specifically. When they find out that they cannot afford to retain the services of an immigration lawyer, they turn to family and friends for any lawyer who will talk to them. Lawyers always begin by advising that they are not immigration lawyers, which means a lot to an American but means nothing to an illegal immigrant. The illegal shows the non-immigration lawyer the totally irrelevant documents that he does have, and the lawyer tells the illegal that he'll "ask a colleague" or "look up more information." Ultimately, the illegal gets nowhere and begins offering to pay lawyers small fees to listen to his case, or he pays a document forger money for documents that may work for a short time.
He is. He really is.

it's easy to show you are a citizen. Birth certificate, passport, realID (enhanced driver's license), naturalization certificate, etc.
He should pay attention to IS9...that form you fill out when you get hired somewhere that shows you are a citizen.

Is any worker getting paid 'under the table'? That's cause right there to go after such a company for violating hiring laws and ignoring immigration law.

Oh...and then there is always the freeloaders taking over hotels as illegal immigrants. They're pretty easy to find. Then there is the Venezuelan gangs...go round them up too.
but h1b is fine.

fuck American programmers right?

go go Elon musk cocksucker hypocrite.
Oh course not you tests let them go gain votes. Get the fuck out and start over legally like tuu should have done in the first place. You cockroaches always want special treatment. Screw you
Not gonna happen