How do you halve your sammiches?

How do you halve your sammiches?

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There aren't enough triangles in my life.

To create them and then consume them, satisfies me in a way nothing else does.

I can't explain it any other way.

I know this is in some ways a small thing, but it really is not.

Over many years I made many requests that I get triangles.

My mom refused, She said that there is one right way.

Her way.
I know this is in some ways a small thing, but it really is not.

Over many years I made many requests that I get triangles.

My mom refused, She said that there is one right way.

Her way.

Mother knows best.

But when function is not the highest priority to be met, form should be allowed to nourish the spirit.
I really struggle to come up with an example of when squaire is best.

Sloppy Joe on toast maybe?


Yes, anytime the filling threatens to spill out, I try to go with a rectangle cut.

But I love making and eating the triangles just enough that I sometimes relax my rule and just let the filling spill out and then use a spoon or fork to clean up the plate afterwards. A reverse hors d'oeuvre?

hors d'oeuvre
ôr dûrv′
An appetizer served before a meal.
A small, light, and usually savory first course in a meal.
Anything of secondary concern; not the primary one.
Yes, anytime the filling threatens to spill out, I try to go with a rectangle cut.

But I love making and eating the triangles just enough that I sometimes relax my rule and just let the filling spill out and then use a spoon or fork to clean up the plate afterwards. A reverse hors d'oeuvre?

hors d'oeuvre
ôr dûrv′
An appetizer served before a meal.
A small, light, and usually savory first course in a meal.
Anything of secondary concern; not the primary one.

Its more a matter that with certain fillings the points of the bread quickly lose their structural integrity.

Squares are more safe, and I was brought up conservative, but I am a progressive...playing it safe so does not float my boat....give me triangles!

I am really disappointed that this tread has not attracted more attention...BUT...thanks for showing up.

Dark ages are just full of disappointments.

Just wait. It will get trafficked in the daylight hours.

I never ever gave any of this any conscious thought at all until this thread. And it felt unusual and satisfying to think about something that has zero impact on anything important, but which I have developed definite feelings about over the years and yet have never consciously pondered at all.

First time I recall this experience, too.

It is a marvelous thread topic.

Deceptively simple, yet complex as far as you care to take it.

Like a Rorschach test.

Unique among all the thousands of threads I can ever recall.

Remarkable, really.
Just wait. It will get trafficked in the daylight hours.

I never ever gave any of this any conscious thought at all until this thread. And it felt unusual and satisfying to think about something that has zero impact on anything important, but which I have developed definite feelings about and yet have never consciously pondered at all.

First time I recall this experience.

It is a marvelous thread topic.

Unique among all the thousands of threads I can ever recall.

Remarkable, really.

Almost as good as my DO YOU EAT BUTTS? thread I do think.

Like Trump I just gotta have my fun.

I insist.
Its more a matter that with certain fillings the points of the bread quickly lose their structural integrity.

Squares are more safe, and I was brought up conservative, but I am a progressive...playing it safe so does not float my boat....give me triangles!

I understand every bit of that.
Rectangles are more utilitarian. Triangles are for showy and/or delusional people.

The only possible variant I will acknowledge to this rule is if you make your grilled cheese sandwiches ultra-gooey, as I do. If your primary goal is to contain a leaky sandwich and keep more of the cheese between the bread instead of on the plate, the rectangle is the way to go.

Cutting the sandwich into triangles gives the cheese more room to run out the middle before you’ve gotten to the second half. Rectangles are blocky and inelegant, but they increase your chances of keeping the cheese inside the sandwich long enough to get it into your mouth. But for all other sandwiches, triangles are the way to go.
Consider the numbers, advises Paul Calter, emeritus professor of mathematics at Vermont Technical College. The amount of crust on a sandwich, he says, does not change, no matter how you cut it. But the amount of surface area without crust can change, depending on how many times you cut it and in which direction.

If your bread is square, and if each side is 4 inches long, you have 16 inches of crust. Cut that bread down the middle, and you get 8 inches of crust-free surface. Cut that same bread diagonally, Calter calculates, and you end up with almost 11 inches of crustless surface. That's a substantial increase.

The number 3 has always been more popular than 4, says Calter, who writes about the intersection of math, art and culture. Three is mother, father and child, he says. Three is the beginning, middle and end. Three is birth, life and death. Without three, there could not be a best — only a good and a better.

Triangles or Squares?

The correct answer is - depends.

Anyone that would cut a pb&j diagonally is too hoity toity for their own good.

A good grilled cheese should be cut diagonally. It allows for 2 hands, direct to mouth without turning it at an angle or burning your cheek with hot cheese.