How do you halve your sammiches?

How do you halve your sammiches?

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It depends. Should be a third option.

Triangles for cheese sandwiches, squares for the rest usually.

No, there is no need to add in that complication, I want to know what people prefer, generally.

We dont need to go into special cases.

No, there is no need to add in that complication, I want to know what people prefer, generally.

We dont need to go into special cases.


Grilled cheese sandwiches are always cut diagonally.

Pimento sandwiches? That's another subject.
The correct answer is - depends.

Anyone that would cut a pb&j diagonally is too hoity toity for their own good.

A good grilled cheese should be cut diagonally. It allows for 2 hands, direct to mouth without turning it at an angle or burning your cheek with hot cheese.

That's a decent summation!
I know this is in some ways a small thing, but it really is not.

Over many years I made many requests that I get triangles.

My mom refused, She said that there is one right way.

Her way.

It's her way or the highway.

Btw, we always had 2 choices for dinner: Eat what they fixed, or don't. ;)

Your decision.

There was no "make your own stuff" for dinner, no.

You could make what you wanted after school as long as everything's ready to start dinner when the time comes. When it's dinner, you have no freedom of choice, except eat it or don't.

Don't be leaving dirty pans n stuff.