How do you know??

LMAO Tightie Rightie whining about another poster's "hypocrisy" despite the fact he's also attacked someone who doesn't post here, again a female, a family member, and in a sexual way.

What a hypocrite...LMAO!
Right attacked Darla, I think she posts here.
Attempting to move the goal posts again. It didn't work the first time. Cite said sexual attacks, Zippygetard.
This is a direct quote of yours, Darla.

Your declaration leaves open some questions:

1 - How do you know how a rapist posts? :dunno:
2 - How do you know how a rapist talks? :dunno:
3 - How do you know how a rapist sounds? :dunno:

These questions are raised; because without you knowing Tom, your assertions seem to just be personal biases, unless you're asserting that you're smarter then someone who seems to disagree with you.

I wonder why she chose to edit what I actually said? This seems to be very typical of how certain people and groups cherry pick and deliberately propagate half truths.

I wonder if you are aware that Samantha Geimer was not a virgin? There is this narrative that she was an innocent 13 year old when in actual fact she was anything but. Doesn't excuse what he did but it does put a fresh perspective on the events.
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As expected.

The Dumb Monkee refuses to own up to what everyone here remembers.

Yet the lying coward STILL expects me to dig back through years of his horseshit to find the quotes.

Don't have to.

You remember doing it...I remember you doing it...Winter remembers you doing it.

Numerous other posters remember you doing it.

Do you deny making comments about Winter's family?

Your memory is incorrect. Cite said sexual attacks, Zippygetard.

This is getting old...your refusal to acknowledge the truth is obviously a diversion so you won't have to admit you were lying once again.

I accept your admission of defeat.
You made the accusation Zippygeard. And I agree this is getting old, your refusal to back it up with a simple search of the forum database and citation of where I made sexual attacks on another posters wife, like you have done numerous times to mine.