How Does The Right Expect Wealth Inequality To Continue To Rise Without Revolution???

This is the reality: a few people actually benefit from Republican policies.

If they were the only ones voting Republican, there might be a few Republicans holding local school committee seats in wealthy towns, but even then, they send their kids to private school and don't care.

Republicans are given the opportunity to continue dismantling the Republic because toothless, inbred, brokeass, brain-dead, knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, hygiene-free, white trash (with a very few Uncle Toms thrown in), troglodytes vote for them--IN DIRECT OPPOSITION TO THEIR OWN BEST ECONOMIC INTERESTS and IN DIRECT OPPOSITION TO THEIR OPPORTUNITY TO IMPROVE THEMSELVES IF SUCH A MIRACLE IS POSSIBLE.

A few rich Republican pricks have at least 63,000,000 broke-ass Republican mouths to use as holsters.
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Hello RB 60,

Shouldn't you be at Dick's buying a pair of Nikes?

Shouldn't you be able to reply with something more poignant?

Capitalism is not responsible for raising the standard of living of America's poor to the current standard.

Socialism did that.
Nope. The masses owning 1% would still be 1% more than they would own under your communist manifesto disguised as a DNC platform. Standards of living are rising, even for the poor. As I have previously stated, 1/6th of the stockmarket is held by 401K's alone. That does not include IRA's, land, etc. People are not poorer by any objective standard that doesn't involve ignorance of what statistics represent because the graphs look pretty to their bias. The reason me and millions of others will continue to have income well into retirement is because we move present income off books via retirement programs. In the end, I really don't care if the kid who tried to copy off my papers or the kid who put their head on their desk and didn't even bother to take the quiz have to survive with significantly less. That was their choice to make. When are you going to stop making excuses for failures?

Another idiot who thinks he is the master and commander of his destiny. What do you think happened to the people who took good care of themseleves and their retirement came in 2008, with a crash? They struggled. What happens if they and even you got in a serious accident. The vast majority of bankruptcies are heavily caused by sudden healthcare costs. Pensions that people had were slashed after they retired. The deals to provide health care, just deleted. I guess they choose to have a kid or wife with cancer. You are immune from such disasters.
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Hello Nordberg,

Another idiot who thinks he is the master and commander of his destiny. What do you think happened to the people who took good care of themseleves and their retirement came in 2008, with a crash? They struggled. What happens if they and even you got in a serious accident. The vast majority of bankruptcies are heavily caused by sudden healthcare costs. Pensions that people had were slashed after they retired. The deals to provide health care, just deleted. I guess they choose to have a kid or wife with cancer. You are immune from such disasters.

I don't get how people can maintain this disconnect between what they believe and what we see in the world.

How many times have we seen examples of people who benefited from the social safety net, yet now that the past is safely behind them, want to cut it so they can pay lower taxes?