How dumb can a nation get and still survive?

That would not apply to you. You need daily care.

Obviously suicidal super egos from those in SCOTUS national religion Peter Principle pyramid scheme, cross conditioned way beyond therapy avoidance to those crooks on Capital Hill Christian Nation interpretation of one nation under God with equal justice under law diatribe law of the land tautology acceptance of SCOTUS way too dang lily brilliant white Freudian slips of fabricated Islam misnomers & immaculate drug conceptions in consideration of Mengele "Angel of Death" WW II concentration camp baptize thine eyes by urinations thieving US Constitution arsonists Christiananality "serve the Pope or die" pedophilia "man is God" Islam "death to the infidels" 9/11 health care plan economics as if it's just another USA we're all expendable abortion.
Absolutely not. Is that you, Madonna? :awesome:

Just noticed your edit. Everybody has been talking about blowing up or setting the White House on fire. :laugh:

This is the real insurrection.

The idea that the election was stolen will go down in history as the "big lie". Trump will be infamous in our history and will be the worst president in history. We may have escaped that immature and crazy man. We hope we can return close to normal, except Trump showed what can be done. A smarter man with a lack of values, like him, could do even worse. America could be destroyed from the inside.
Just noticed your edit. Everybody has been talking about blowing up or setting the White House on fire. :laugh:

This is the real insurrection.


Them damn Canada motherfuckers ain't gonna do that anymore! GRR!

Fuck! Half of them just arrived in FL this week.
The idea that the election was stolen will go down in history as the "big lie". Trump will be infamous in our history and will be the worst president in history. We may have escaped that immature and crazy man. We hope we can return close to normal, except Trump showed what can be done. A smarter man with a lack of values, like him, could do even worse. America could be destroyed from the inside.

So it's OK for everbody to be reduced to serfs as long as the leader looks good and is mature?

You stupid fuck! The Biden Administration and specifically Susan Rice is doing whatever it can to destroy America from the inside right now.

That is what's happening. Did you miss him appointing a former Soviet to be in charge of banks, retard?

Donald Trump has been a patriotic American forever! They're going to do their stuff (harming America any way they can) until you can no longer deny it at all, and you helped them out.

You retarded piece of shit.
Do you find this name, "Rear Admiral George Cockburn", very funny?

Not particularly. A tad.
My mind is on how the Biden Administration is chopping away at America.
At least Obama was lazy. This is pure Susan Rice doing while Biden is eating tapioca pudding bullshit now, and Susan Rice is motivated, that evil kunt!
T.S. Eliot wrote that the world ends "not with a bang but a whimper,” but I fear our great nation is careening toward a third manner of demise: descent into lip-blubbering, self-destructive idiocy.

How did we become, in such alarming measure, so dumb? Why is the news dominated by ridiculous controversies that should not be controversial at all? When did so many of our fellow citizens become full-blown nihilists who deny even the concept of objective reality? And how must this look to the rest of the world?

What you say is key and spot on- Republitards are Nehilists- Why? Because of their GOD ALMIGHTY- DONALD TRUMP- world's No. 1 Nehilist!

Whatever rabbit hole he goes down- They follow like lost little puppies.

What you say is key and spot on- Republitards are Nehilists- Why? Because of their GOD ALMIGHTY- DONALD TRUMP- world's No. 1 Nehilist!

Whatever rabbit hole he goes down- They follow like lost little puppies.


GOP is the nihilist party. I don't seem them respecting our nation or democracy.
What you say is key and spot on- Republitards are Nehilists- Why? Because of their GOD ALMIGHTY- DONALD TRUMP- world's No. 1 Nehilist!

Whatever rabbit hole he goes down- They follow like lost little puppies.


You're a tard. Can you provide a link to what a "Nehilist" is? I've been around a while, never heard of that. :rolleyes:

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Would blowing up the Capitol be the way to go about things?

As how dumb those crooks on Capital Hill constituent contingents have consciously gone about their super ego beyond the pleasure principle crusade jihad condescending arrogance to avoid disparaging SCOTUS trover & conversion of the US Constitution law of the land creation of a supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court granting standing for those burning Bush's 9/11 Islam "death to the infidels" patriot act destruction of NYC World Trade Towers & the Pentagon with fabricated Islam misnomers & immaculate drug conceptions based on Mengele "Angel of Death" WW II concentration camp baptize thine eyes by urinations thieving US Constitution arsonists to "serve the Pope or die" Chinese Checkers games in their suicidal Christiananality pedophilia Peter Principle sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming .
GOP is the nihilist party. I don't seem them respecting our nation or democracy.

A Democratic society was too much for them- they can't win in a democratic society- sounds too much to them like Democrat society- so now they intend to cheat in elections and just accuse the Democrats of it.

Amazing how every time you hear about someone cheating in an election- turns out to be a REPUBLICAN

And so now, every RED state is setting things up so that only Republicans can certify the votes in future elections and discard all the ones they don't like!
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Yes, this is very dangerous.

Well, you know the lawsuits are going to flood every state.

Trump and his Trumptards have created a toxic situation, where we will have to wait for months of legal battles to play out before we will even know who actually wins future elections.

We used to know who won by midnight of election day. That will never happen again because of these Democracy slayers!