How European


3 children removed from UK foster parents because of their political beliefs

Britain's education secretary says he will investigate how local officials removed three children from their foster family because of concerns about the parents' political beliefs.

The Rotherham borough council sparked criticism Saturday when it was revealed that its social workers removed the children, who are European migrants, because their foster parents are members of the right-wing U.K. Independence Party.

The party wants Britain to withdraw from the EU and favors immigration curbs. Social workers said they were concerned that the children's "cultural and ethnic needs" may not be met in the foster family.

Education Secretary Michael Gove condemned the decision as arbitrary and indefensible, saying that political beliefs should not stop anyone from fostering children.

Rotherham is near Manchester.
3 children removed from UK foster parents because of their political beliefs

Britain's education secretary says he will investigate how local officials removed three children from their foster family because of concerns about the parents' political beliefs.

The Rotherham borough council sparked criticism Saturday when it was revealed that its social workers removed the children, who are European migrants, because their foster parents are members of the right-wing U.K. Independence Party.

The party wants Britain to withdraw from the EU and favors immigration curbs. Social workers said they were concerned that the children's "cultural and ethnic needs" may not be met in the foster family.

Education Secretary Michael Gove condemned the decision as arbitrary and indefensible, saying that political beliefs should not stop anyone from fostering children.

Rotherham is near Manchester.

Maybe if they were queer?
The same nonsense is coming to the USA!!
It's the warren plan for a better America.
The stupider the idea , the more the liberals love it!!
The same nonsense is coming to the USA!!
It's the warren plan for a better America.
The stupider the idea , the more the liberals love it!!

This came from one social worker who exceeded her powers, it has caused a huge row and given UKIP a massive publicity boost.
I found these comments germane

As a Child Protection worker I can honestly say that decisions taken in relation to placing children are NEVER politically motivated. There are strict legal requirements along with practice issues that must be followed. The issue in this case is that the children should not have been placed with these carers in the first place. Values/Beliefs/Culture should be matched, that didn't happen.

Is this the whole story?
I doubt it very much.
As for Farage attempting to make political capital out of the story?
That tells us all precisely what we need to know about his primary concerns!
UKIP is, essentially, a Nationalist party. You can dress it up any way you like, it remains just that. It does what it says on the tin.

From what I read it looks like there is a nationalist party that it was discovered these people belonged to. The article did not state that they were racist but it would appear their support for this party brought their suitability as foster parents to multiracial or non-white children into question. Without more information which I'm sure will come with an investigation it's difficult to get behind all the hand wringing and pearl clutching.

It will be interesting to see how this pans out.

I will say that in this country it is common to have Gays and non-christian couples and single people excluded from caring for or adopting children...I'm not suggesting that this is the same thing, just saying.
This came from one social worker who exceeded her powers, it has caused a huge row and given UKIP a massive publicity boost.
She didn't exceed her powers, a social workers powers are huge in the UK.

They have the backing if the govnt.
They are all govnt employees!
You all act as if they were taken from their birth family. Foster families are well known for not properly taking care of foster children.

As Haiku said, get a grip.
And just as in this country the politics just muddies the water. There will be an investigation and a determination. All the breathless speculation is over emotional ranting.
And just as in this country the politics just muddies the water. There will be an investigation and a determination. All the breathless speculation is over emotional ranting.

It is just speculation as the head of Rotherham's children services was on TV defending the decision.
